General every day ship links
Anniversary Sale Page:
Manufacturer Specials page:
Standalone ship...
I am until they come out with the Prospector's filter to separate out some of the inert stuff that we suck up. I don't extract much now unless its at least 15% concentration unless its Laranite and such.
What if, and really follow me on this, what if they had just made the landing pads to be on the surface and letting the player see their ship super duper easy from the window?
My own experiences say that the stop/start method as you describe is the best one for handling high instability. I would also advise you get much closer to the rock so you're not losing so much power from distance. Small numbers = easier control.
My first C&C game was Tiberian Dawn on the Nintendo 64. Yeah yeah but it got me hooked and I went on to play Tiberian Sun, RA2 and the rest after that.
From the Subscriber email:
"Starting on Black Friday (November 23rd), every player has the opportunity to test every flyable ship for free! Stay tuned to the usual channels for more details. "
Get Hyped.