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  1. Sraika

    Anyone got a Pirate Caterpillar CCU?

    I don't think i've ever actually seen the inside of a pirate Cat. Is it that different, looks-wise?
  2. Sraika

    Just joined!

    Welcome to TEST, mate. :beer:
  3. Sraika

    TEST Fleet Inventory - link in first post.

    This is a rather informal inventory, so i suppose it depends on whether you consider the ships in your buyback to be ships in your fleet or not. Course, that's just my opinion.
  4. Sraika

    Far Cry 5 initial thoughts and Polygon critique (Video)

    Planes are bit ridiculous. In a fun way, but still. You need like 3 meters of runway to take off, and if you don't even have that, you can pull back on the stick while ramming into a tree, and that'll get you into the air. The cars are brilliant, though. The handling isn't great, but it manages...
  5. Sraika

    new here

    Welcome to TEST, mate. :beer:
  6. Sraika

    I gave in, I bought Far Cry 5 last night

    Also, cows, people, small trees, and your dog. Combines are great.
  7. Sraika

    RSI Constellation Series - Pilot Chair

    I think it makes sense. I'd have to experience it before i decided whether or not it was an improvement tho.
  8. Sraika

    Colonel Scrip at your service!

    Welcome to TEST, mate. :beer:
  9. Sraika

    Can I get a roll call for fans of the game Anthem?
  10. Sraika

    Launch of Anthem Forums | Tarsis Network

  11. Sraika

    Can I get a roll call for fans of the game Anthem?

    I'm fairly interested, but i'd have to see it once its released before i have a definite opinion one way or the other. I will say, tho, that i am cautiously optimistic. Bioware (and indeed, EA) have screwed up several games lately, but this stands a decent chance of breaking that trend.
  12. Sraika

    Hyper realistic digitized humans in Unreal Engine 4 (video)

    That was pretty damned cool.
  13. Sraika


    Welcome to TEST, mate. :beer:
  14. Sraika

    New here

    Welcome to TEST, mate. :beer:
  15. Sraika

    Reclaim this! (Video)

    I don't think we're going to see the idris in PU/PTU this year. I mean, CIG are a bunch of trolls, but I think they're going to have a hard time doing everything on the roadmap this year, let alone anything else that major.
  16. Sraika

    hard-up alcoholic pilot with a beer gut and a bad temper

    Welcome to TEST, mate. :beer:
  17. Sraika

    Test Discord Setup

    :coffin: NECROMANCY!!! :skull: To answer your question, have you tried hanging around in the new users channel/pm-ing a mod?
  18. Sraika

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    I was indeed talking about the image, but your illustration is on point, so well done :ok_hand:
  19. Sraika

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

    I do not understand that reference, but i bet it was hilarious. :p
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