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  1. Grimbli

    CitCon 2016 Event list

    I don't think I'll have time for anything but Citizen Con. Would love to do everything but made plans with people we never get to see.
  2. Grimbli

    Have you paid for non-LTI Ships?

    I have built up all my ships to have LTI, except my Aurora game package didn't have one. Then they released the mega explorers pack that had Sq42 in it, so I bought that and melted Aurora. It's probably not important, but I like having it.
  3. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    So this is why Germans are crazy. (Video of Sam singing girl to sleep)
  4. Grimbli

    The S.H.I.T.-Division

    I thought that conversation was 2 seconds from them asking each other to...erm...y'know.
  5. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    What's a goats favorite movie?
  6. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Wapapapa papa POW!
  7. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Ooooooooo! Now you've done it! Varku is a furry? I'll admit I was at the Ren Fair last weekend and saw someone with a fox tail sticking out their backside and thought, "She looks a bit young to be walking around with a buttplug."
  8. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I believe Sam was right. All posts should end with a period .
  9. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    And nobody liked my milk&cookies porn... .
  10. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    My girlfriend looked over at this page while I was scrolling and said "I'm disturbed".
  11. Grimbli

    Its almost Chirstmas Who wants to get me one.

    I am totally doing this in game!
  12. Grimbli

    The S.H.I.T.-Division

  13. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    W Woot!
  14. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I think @Montoya needs to weigh in. Maybe if we say @Montoya enough he'll come visit. How could @Montoya resist the amount of @Montoya in one post? @Montoya @Montoya @Montoya @Montoya @Montoya
  15. Grimbli

    The S.H.I.T.-Division

    Shitposters engage!
  16. Grimbli

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I like that it's so huge and there's only about 7 of us that post in it lol
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