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  1. Gearen

    I found the future Official TEST suit

    @Montoya buy 2000 of this now
  2. Gearen

    P-72 LTI giveaway!

    It's waiting for you.... you just need to send me the P-72 now.....
  3. Gearen

    [Discussion] Divisions of TEST - Brainstorm

    What even is this? 2015? Did I go back to the past?
  4. Gearen

    Say goodbye to all your $0 CCU's by version 3.0

    I just need them to put the reclaimer for 350 again on the store or any of the 350 ships before they eliminate the ccu and then I'll not give a fuck.
  5. Gearen

    The Aegis Eclipse is coming ( Concept Sale 19 May)

    Well for $275 I'm not getting one. But before we kill it let's see what it offers.
  6. Gearen

    The Aegis Eclipse is coming ( Concept Sale 19 May)

    Prepare for the Eclipse
  7. Gearen

    Star Citizen: Around the Verse - Universal Interaction

  8. Gearen

    Starfarer Convoy

    Eeeeeeeem sorry Starfarer but I can't say no to THE CLAW
  9. Gearen

    Starfarer Convoy

    Ummmmmm this video made me think about keeping my starfarer instead of ccu it to a reclaimer.....
  10. Gearen

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

  11. Gearen

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    All Jojo's are bad because que series are bad. Fight me.
  12. Gearen

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    No, don't do it
  13. Gearen

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    But not you
  14. Gearen

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    No you
  15. Gearen

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

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