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  1. MurderingPsycho

    Home security systems

    I have three Arlos, a Ring door bell and a bunch on Samsung Smartthings stuff. I don't think there are glass sensors for it but there are a lot of options for door/window sensors. Pretty much anything that uses zwave or zigbee will connect to it. I'd also recommend a shotgun, just in case...
  2. MurderingPsycho

    Anvil Ballista revealed. $120 warbond, $140 store credit

    Its definitely more of a threat than the cyclone. I guess we'll be needing ground vehicles after all.
  3. MurderingPsycho

    Interesting Trading Website and Stream

    It looks like it's trade analysis for in-game cargo running (e.g. pick up x at y and deliver to z). It looks like a pretty useful resource for traders but I wonder how well it is updated. They also have a list of locations and prices for ship components.
  4. MurderingPsycho

    New Acceleration and Hover Mode

    Yeah, but the explosions are beautiful aren't they.
  5. MurderingPsycho

    Arduino question

    I bought an Uno a few years ago just to play around. Arduinos are pretty easy to program and use. Just keep in mind that the AT Mega doesn't actually need the prototype board. If you find that you like it and want to actually make a few projects with it, you can get a board with replaceable...
  6. MurderingPsycho

    GameGlass Review

    This is about to officially launch, 24th I believe. It looks like they are now selling the $20 pack from indiegogo for $9 on their site.
  7. MurderingPsycho

    New Acceleration and Hover Mode

    The cutlass is just broken (supposedly), it should be able to hover well with the engines pointed down. I still think they could make this a toggle and just push people to use it by making engines overheat or behave unreliably when hover is not active. Basically, make hover mode behave the way...
  8. MurderingPsycho

    Looking for a Carrack

    If you are going to end up as Concierge after buying the pack, you could buy a random ship to get over $1000 and then melt it 24 hours later and buy the pack.
  9. MurderingPsycho

    Hey Test bros!

    Welcome to test.
  10. MurderingPsycho

    Did you know you were part of "toxic fan entitlement"?

    I really hope you're right about Cyberpunk, I'm excited about it too, but it ain't out yet. Don't let hype and hope blind you, we'll see how the game is when it's released. And yes, a few bugs are understandable but some of these companies are releasing games that have game breaking bugs...
  11. MurderingPsycho

    Did you know you were part of "toxic fan entitlement"?

    Until gamers are actually willing to vote with their wallets, and be willing to go without mediocre games for a while, this will not happen. People can complain about publishers all day long but as long as the games sell, nothing you say as you hand over the cash matters. Anthem, Andromeda and...
  12. MurderingPsycho

    Liberty pack and Independence pack on sale

    Helpful sale though. I melted my blue and upgraded the hull b in the entrepreneur pack to it.
  13. MurderingPsycho

    Liberty pack and Independence pack on sale

    Quick, hide my credit card.
  14. MurderingPsycho

    Ship upgrading idea: Flagships

    CIG has said that this is basically how replacing capital components is going to work, that's why you have to go to a "dry" dock. Do you think you'll actually be able to see it happen?
  15. MurderingPsycho

    Halp!! Kernel Power error ID 41

    This is a stupid question but did you connect power to the 8 pin auxiliary power jacks on the GPU?
  16. MurderingPsycho

    Halp!! Kernel Power error ID 41

    Yup, this used to be the easiest way to fix most windows issues but I haven't had to since I switched to 10 either. @Cody Starbuck When you say you still hear audio, is the audio correct for what you should be hearing? What I mean is, does it sound like whatever you were doing is still...
  17. MurderingPsycho

    Magazine cover from 2000, 1ghz amazing!

    Sadly, the printer would cost less than some of the ships.
  18. MurderingPsycho

    Magazine cover from 2000, 1ghz amazing!

    The first PC I built completely from scratch had the 1 Ghz thunderbird, immediately overclocked of course. The guy that I gave it to when I was done with it used it for 10 years before it quit because he didn't clean the dust out of the damn thing.
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