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  1. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    This is pretty much how I feel about Monday
  2. WarrenPeace

    ThomSirveaux's Birthday Thread

    I'll drink a beer for you!
  3. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

  4. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

  5. WarrenPeace

    F7A is released for testing...

    The cursor in this gif needs to click on the word "bait". That... it's actually bothering me now.
  6. WarrenPeace

    State of the Squadron 24!

    A new SotS! You know what that means...
  7. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I have delved too deep, and too greedily, in my search for memes.
  8. WarrenPeace

    Virtual Ace advertising KICKED members as Aerospace Alliance members!

    Oooh boy, I love the weekly drama updates from other orgs!
  9. WarrenPeace


    Because I need land-based vehicle like I need another beer.
  10. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

  11. WarrenPeace

    I don't know which is worse...

    ...that there's an cheevo for this, or that I got it. Here's to three years with you drunken sots, and many more to come!
  12. WarrenPeace

    Looking for LTI game packages.

    So, I have the following LTI packages on buyback: MISC FREELANCER - LTI RSI AURORA LX - LTI Sold! STANDALONE SHIP - AEGIS REDEEMER - LTI AEGIS DYNAMICS AVENGER - LTI I'm probably going to hang on...
  13. WarrenPeace

    Is CIG removing LTI from buyback game packages?

    I honestly don't know, I have about 7 ships on buyback that are supposed to have LTI but I didn't want to post anything about it until we knew more.
  14. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I gotcha! #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow #tablethrow...
  15. WarrenPeace

    The "Hi" Thread

  16. WarrenPeace

    [Drama] What happens to poaching orgs like Elysium (ESTE)

    Oooh, more drama? Where did I put my drama-watchin' chair...
  17. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    (sorry, I forgot the period in the first post)
  18. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

  19. WarrenPeace

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Someone's stealing my schtick. That's okay. @mromutt can get mad at both of us
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