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  1. Leofev

    Incoming Holiday Sale

    I'm one of those Cutlass loving wierdos. The Steel is the only one I don't have, and it is probably going to remain that way. The re-arm repair glitch happens to a number of vehicles. I usually circumvent this as it doesn't seem to affect open landing pads, like at mining stations. Many of the...
  2. Leofev

    Incoming Holiday Sale

    Was checking the store a minute ago and saw some limited ships in the ccu store, but no announcement on Comm-link yet with an announcement in the Jumptown article. Saw Prowler, Steel, C2 and Redeemer. Might be a couple others, not too familiar of what is limited or not in ground vehicles. It...
  3. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    Can you? I haven't even gone out to find the multi-tool attachment to use yet. I'll have to try it out sometime in the next couple patches. Surely, I can't crash on EVERY single salvage run.... right?
  4. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    And my streak of crashing as I'm finishing up a load of salvage remains unbroken today. After three days I've seen zero profit. Anyhow, some tidbits I've picked up: Salvage modes: Your different beam modes differentiate between radius, speed, efficiency. Your smallest (Cinch) is small and slow...
  5. Leofev

    PTU 3.18 Available (Wave 3 / Open PTU!)

    The just pumped out a second patch within a few minutes of the first one released for today. Time to dive back in. Oh yippee.
  6. Leofev

    The Adventure of Willie Dusty

    This guy has two first names, would you believe it? Willie Dusty, starship captain.
  7. Leofev

    Any MSFS flyers here?

    Ok, then I'm not going to be much help then, settings have changed a bit over the years. Just a tad.
  8. Leofev

    Any MSFS flyers here?

    I used to play MS Flight Simulator in DOS if that counts.
  9. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    I'd say let it marinate a couple more days in the PTU a bit before hopping in. I believe it was released in the state it was in because they were under pressure to have something out before the end of the year. I mean I still haven't gotten around to testing racing yet as I have yet to even...
  10. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Thats twice today where I get my Vulture fully loaded and then CTD as I'm heading back to port to sell the salvage. FML.
  11. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    Ok, decided to strong-arm it and do without a tractor beam. My first haul, just got to sell it now. Edit: Annnnnnddd the first time the PTU decides to crash on me is right as I'm making my landing approach at NB, so everything is gone. I still haven't managed to sell any salvage at this point.
  12. Leofev

    PTU 3.18 Available (Wave 3 / Open PTU!)

    New patch for 3.18 out: Back to testing! Edit: Nix on the testing, not gonna sit in line behind 768 other people. Edit: TIL that the game can time you out from...
  13. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    Think the Cat will be an A or S-tier choice as the cargo companion, at least once its tractor beam is implemented. Cargo pods with open sides, tractor beam, high cargo capacity, s5 turrets in the event you get jumped...
  14. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    The balancing factor seems come down to how much time it takes to create that 1 SCU. In the same time it took me to fill a box, I could have knocked out a couple combat service beacons, illegal monitors (provided the monitors spawn as expected) fast enough to make more money off them. And if I...
  15. Leofev

    PTU 3.18 Available (Wave 3 / Open PTU!)

    I reported all the bugs in the PTU that were making it impossible to do anything else, so I'm gonna call it for a bit until the next hotfix.
  16. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    Here is some more salvage action. Seeing them work with the Hull A wants me to get a salvage fleet together with a couple Vultures and a Cat to load the cargo into. Probably want to take at least one escort out there too, as I've run into some NPCs that have jumped me in my Vulture.
  17. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    It WAS fun while I could do it. But I at least need the inventory bugs sorted out before I can do much further testing.
  18. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    I'll have to track one down eventually. Someone said in-game they saw some at Port Olisar. I managed to start doing some work in my Vulture until I my inventory bugged, and I couldn't switch to my tractor beam attachment for the multitool. So, I've only gotten 1 SCU of salvage thus far.
  19. Leofev

    PTU 3.18 Available (Wave 3 / Open PTU!)

    So, the good news is that my framerate has not turned into a slideshow in cities anymore (like it sometimes does on live). Otherwise, it's been a bit rough. I'm thinking of heading back to the live servers for a bit. Not that the PTU is unplayable, but between the inventory problems, missing...
  20. Leofev

    For the Salvage peeps

    Is there an attachment for the multitool that allows for salvaging/scraping?
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