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  1. Tortilla the Hun

    Headcount for Citizencon hotel group

    Now that's a murder-house if I ever seen one. Probably used to be flatlands, but with the amount of bodies it must've got hilly.
  2. Tortilla the Hun

    Headcount for Citizencon hotel group

    I'm still here. I just need to wait 'til the 25th to get the rest.
  3. Tortilla the Hun

    Headcount for Citizencon hotel group

    I can make a partial payment in the next couple days but I'm gonna have to get the rest on the 25th.
  4. Tortilla the Hun

    2.4 to Evocati Tester!

    Wait, but that's exactly how you get into TEST.
  5. Tortilla the Hun


    Those mounting plates seem to find their predicament somewhat disagreeable.
  6. Tortilla the Hun

    Random Video Thread

  7. Tortilla the Hun

    This guys hair/lack thereof

    You're welcome. Really difficult to see much of anything when you're more loaded than a potato at T.G.I. Friday's.
  8. Tortilla the Hun

    This guys hair/lack thereof

    That explains why they were moist...
  9. Tortilla the Hun

    This guys hair/lack thereof

    Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
  10. Tortilla the Hun

    WIN Overwatch Beta early access!!!!!

    Well here's my ID: TortillaDHun#1547 I'll have to add you after work, can't seem to do that from the office :P
  11. Tortilla the Hun

    Random Video Thread

  12. Tortilla the Hun

    Random image thread

  13. Tortilla the Hun

    1 Week Snap Giveaway - Aurora LN

    I maintain that I joined TEST by accident when I just wanted to find the bathroom (the location of which is still a mystery to me). And it's been my second favorite cause of a UTI. Which really goes to show how great it is to be here. I aim to explore for some place to finally relieve myself...
  14. Tortilla the Hun

    Headcount for Citizencon hotel group

    I'd bring my wood carving with a picture of Geena Davis on the face, but we've hit a rough patch and are taking a break.
  15. Tortilla the Hun

    Random image thread

  16. Tortilla the Hun

    Happy Birthday Gearen!!!

    Here I was, wondering where the hell it could've been 70 o'clock. Worst part is I'm not even drunk!
  17. Tortilla the Hun

    Call To Arms! Help us make TEST Bowling a reality!

    As much as I love the idea, I'm afraid you're gonna have to mark the roll as zero.
  18. Tortilla the Hun

    [to be deleted]

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