Its a shame two steps from hell doesn't have any royalty free or creative commons stuff. And generally the only way to get a license seems to be a tv or film company.
Its a nice breath of fresh air from the prequels and i liked that it was similar in story, i just hope that they diverge the next two enough from the originals. also the fact that jarjar dies at the end really made me sad.
Hmmmmmm interesting...
Ah yes, also ignore the background spoilers.
Anyway i just got my desk mat and it is pretty awesome!!!!
If any of you were on the fence about buying one you should!!! I believe there are a few extra left in case people want to grab them. and there is of course the...
These are really cool. I dont really need one because i use Planetside 2 wallpapers.
But if you want to do one for me you can, except there's nothing all that remarkable about me with which to make a wallpaper :D .
mostly its because discord is in active development and there are more patches and changes coming out compared to mumble and teamspeak. also discord can support more people