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  1. Farasalt

    TEST t-shirts are here!

    so I was out at the Mighty Car Mods nationals last weekend...
  2. Farasalt

    Twitch Streaming group?

    Personally, I tend to chill out watching someone stream for one of two reasons: 1) Great humor and chat interaction (I'm looking at you and your fart jokes @CaptainRichard ) 2) Great skill. Watching someone who is really good at a game can be very informative and entertaining - It's something...
  3. Farasalt

    World of Warships

    Thank you for that extremely constructive piece of feedback, Nkato. I've been having a great time in the beta - It seems to be a well balanced game and is great for drinking a margarita to, as you have plenty of time to take sips while sailing around in your battleship :)
  4. Farasalt

    I am so very very full of margarita.

    I am so very very full of margarita.
  5. Farasalt

    World of Warships

    You will currently need a beta code for access, however if you pre-order the game, you get an invite immediately. It should be hitting open beta within a few months.
  6. Farasalt

    Twitch Streaming group?

    yes, join me. Streaming at 2am local time.
  7. Farasalt

    Guest Appearance on StarCast Today at 5pm EDT:

    Eewwwww, sober! (currently drunk on stream)
  8. Farasalt

    Drinking? What a great time to stream! Happy caturday!

    Drinking? What a great time to stream! Happy caturday!
  9. Farasalt

    Why Hornet racing is bad

    *reaches first checkpoint* *Removes both wings as he scrapes through* Like a glove!
  10. Farasalt

    Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

    So far, I've purchased 2 ships: The Aurora MR (I call her Sunspot) - It's a great starter ship and will let me experience the new player content with complete immersion. The Freelancer DUR - I was looking for a smaller multi-crew ship to explore the universe and map jump points. Hopefully it...
  11. Farasalt

    Patch 1.1.1. Announced, then Unannounced:

    I was watching your stream a bit while at work, CaptainRichard and was disappointed to see the camera/your head not follow the gun properly. It would look AMAZING with a VR headset though. Also, Constallation badHype!
  12. Farasalt

    Patch 1.1.1. Announced, then Unannounced:

    I laughed at this. Hopefully we'll see it up within 48 hours or so.
  13. Farasalt

    Super Hornet Sledge Monoboat vs. Vanduul Swarm:

    Dang, That's a lot of dakka. I should try this on my Cutlass.
  14. Farasalt

    So... I made some rudder pedals...

    Those are glorious. I'll take a set please.
  15. Farasalt

    Gamer fuel for TESTies

    Jagermeister and Tea are my two vices at the moment :D
  16. Farasalt

    What have you named your ships?

    Well my Aurora is named Sunspot. I haven't named my Freelancer, as I am unsure of her personality so far.
  17. Farasalt

    April Ship Giveaways to help promote my Twitch Stream:

    I wish I could watch you on stream more often, but it's right in the middle of my workday :(
  18. Farasalt

    RussianJ is best influence - streaming under the influence!

    I do appreciate the concern. I'll be sure to keep my internet drinking to a reasonable level and try not to anger the twitch gods. In related news, I'm still going and I'm half way through a bottle of Jager :P
  19. Farasalt

    RussianJ is best influence - streaming under the influence!

    playing it safe. I've heard of this before....
  20. Farasalt

    RussianJ is best influence - streaming under the influence!

    actually, alcohol consumption on twitch isn't against the rules, but excessive consumption is. I stay moderately tipsy while streaming for these things :P
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