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  1. Azmodeth

    D&D coming soon

    we using ROLL20 or something ? just send me details when and where and what version to create characters with and what rules and any exceptions etc and Im there.
  2. Azmodeth

    D&D coming soon

    Im down
  3. Azmodeth

    Star Citizen - The Derek Menace

  4. Azmodeth

    WTS LTI Orion (Archimedes upgraded to Orion)

    I will hold it for you then, no worries.
  5. Azmodeth

    [WTB] Origin Racing Suit ------ CLOSED

    There you go, about same price.
  6. Azmodeth

    [WTB] Origin Racing Suit ------ CLOSED I was thinking I might sell it for a certain amount, but i really do want to keep it, like you. Anwyays, I found one for cheap.
  7. Azmodeth

    [WTB] Origin Racing Suit ------ CLOSED

    Why do you want the suit so bad ? I have it, and I am debating selling it then.,
  8. Azmodeth

    Corsair Ram for sale

    decent price for some RAM. You should be able to return it to where you bought it for a full refund, and just tell them you changed your mind.
  9. Azmodeth

    Monday morning dogfighting

    you should learn to do some racing, it will improve your handling of the hornet considerably.
  10. Azmodeth

    WTS LTI Orion (Archimedes upgraded to Orion)

    300USD buyer pays fee's but any payment method is fine. (Prefer PayPal, mind you.) No rush I will keep it if it does not sell. I trimmed some fat from my accounts, I have many large enough packages already, so if I could sell this now, great, if not I'm sure someone over the year will buy it...
  11. Azmodeth

    Close call

    We need tons of Battldeavors!
  12. Azmodeth

    My TrackIR 5 isn't working with 2.0

    Yeah getting used to NOT using pedals and TrackIR5
  13. Azmodeth

    Sorry for a delayed SOTS, been busy with holiday stuff!

    Betty has a Santa hat ?
  14. Azmodeth

    WTB Freelancer LTI package

    and if not I has what your looking for.
  15. Azmodeth

    did the vanduul get fat over the holiday?

    Same experience for me, when 1.3 hit. I played Vanduul once with someone after learning how to fly my 350R and then a few days later did wave 18..all by myself, single life. there was only 1 life in 1.3 for some reason. If your saying its even easier, awesome.
  16. Azmodeth

    [PSA] Unmelt is now available

    LOL, Matt
  17. Azmodeth

    [PSA] Unmelt is now available

    It won't let me purchase anything though, always says I am missing a badge. What friggin badge am I missing ???
  18. Azmodeth

    4K Monitor for cheap

    Pay with Credit card or paypal only IMO. This way you have protection, even if they say they have no return policy.
  19. Azmodeth

    4K Monitor for cheap

    does 4K and 60hz HDMI or DP.
  20. Azmodeth

    [CLOSED] WTS Original LTI Sabre $165 (5$ off) and others

    I have Sabre in my buy back, if you want it, but I would ask cost. The benefit is, its not a upgraded model its the original LTI version with the model.
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