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  1. Willem Default

    Begun the building of the gaming PC has.

    Mommy and daddy are fighting and I don't like it
  2. Willem Default


    Wasn't there a thread somewhere we we discussed this (I distinctly remember NKato being there)? We talked about potentially having a training area/Arena Commander training group, and we also have had several threads to my knowledge on the topic of competitive/esports play. Like Montoya said...
  3. Willem Default

    Live meeting this Saturday July 25, 3pm EST

    The only time it's at a US time I can do in the UK and I'm working. God dammit.
  4. Willem Default


    Welcome aboard, TEST is all the stronger for your mighty beard. I mean, you seem to be able to grow children outta that thing.
  5. Willem Default

    Question thread for next Q&A TEST meeting stream with Montoya.

    For Montoya: What kind of wax do you use for that beautiful melon of yours and why does it smell of lavender and camomile? I think the whole of TEST wants to know.
  6. Willem Default

    Go like me campain

    I really like it! Here's my attempt: Montoya's head shining bright, It leads TEST with brilliant light, Munken roars with drunken glee, At the glorious TEST he sees Nkato sits, a stern old man, Whilst admiring his battle plan, SeungRyul chuckles at his power, It's looking like this hamster's...
  7. Willem Default

    Go like me campain

    Cheers mromutt It's from The Fellowship of the Ring, it's a hobbit bath song!
  8. Willem Default

    Go like me campain

    Ah god dammit. I always miss the good stuff.
  9. Willem Default

    Seung Mass PM Carnage

    Can you get my dad to tell me that?
  10. Willem Default

    Has it really been that long?

    Oh true, I hadn't thought of that.
  11. Willem Default

    Looks like I'm sticking around...

    Two points, Kersakov: 1. I'm glad you're still gonna be kicking about with us! 2. Lurker or not, you're a fellow TESTie, so if you ever need to talk about anything to do with your mental health issues then remember we're all here for you, so don't be afraid to PM me (or I assume any other...
  12. Willem Default

    Has it really been that long?

    But seriously though, well done!
  13. Willem Default

    Recommendations on New Gaming Rig

    I had no idea either, Talos, until I built mine last year. And with your budget you can get a WAY better system than that if you build it yourself. For around the same price last year I built this. I changed the mobo to a 990FXA-GD65 in the end, and have since upgraded my parts (GTX 970...
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