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  1. Jhonon1

    If anyone here lives in the UK, do me a favor...

    Agreed. I can only hope they force its restoration and continued preservation, perhaps the UK has an eminent domain clause that would be suitable?
  2. Jhonon1

    If anyone here lives in the UK, do me a favor...

    Even though they may be forced to rebuild it the reason for knocking it down was to prevent it from becoming a listed historical property (I think, haven't looked too deeply) which would keep them from demoing it in the future. By destroying and fixing it now they can actually tear it down much...
  3. Jhonon1


    Confirmed Extra-Old, I've spent a lot of time on Le Warhammer and haven't even got my hands on anything that old... Lets think bigger, how many can go in the 890 Jump? The Phoenix?
  4. Jhonon1

    New Cargo specs and more Q&A

    Well glad to see they straightened those numbers out, but that also means no HULL series ship for me. If the Orion's ore had dropped so that a C could empty it I'd buy, but I simply can't spring for the D. We'll save our money for the rest of the concept ships, and maybe that delicious looking...
  5. Jhonon1

    Ship Upgrades and Cross-Chassis Upgrades

    Upvote for Cat Tax Couldn't possibly tell you what to upgrade to, who knows how things will be when the PU hits even. If you must upgrade pick what seems the most fun, but for me already having a Super Dooper Hornet would satisfy that.
  6. Jhonon1

    Construction begins on the streaming studio

    Depends on the storage capabilities of your device, sometimes the Internet is unavailable but the lube is still at hand so... Gotta be prepared for the worst
  7. Jhonon1

    TEST NorthWest

    DAMN. That's alot of power! How'd you draw that much and what failed first? Massive Props to MSI for all that, certainly gonna keep their name in mind as I slowly browse for a newer computer...
  8. Jhonon1

    Questions for Foundry 42 visit

    As best I can recall, no sauce sorry, there is a hard limit on how many friends you can have in your instance and it will be about half the overall instance limit
  9. Jhonon1

    Barthanes' Unofficial Thread For Unofficial Hitdudes/dudettes

    Someone should get coding said bounty-site ASAP, I'd contribute but don't know much beyond "Hello, World!"
  10. Jhonon1

    New memeber

    You seem far too competent to join in our little clusterfuck, but you bring up the GLORY that is Q so: Welcome!
  11. Jhonon1

    New Battlefront trailer!

    Got hyped when its development was announced, didn't matter who was making it. Now we have details: Hype cancelled. Might buy if it comes out and somehow is a really good game (even though its sounding nothing like the Battlefront i cherish) but not going to pre-order. No way. "In-Engine"...
  12. Jhonon1

    April Ship Giveaways to help promote my Twitch Stream:

    Is @Shive entering? That is how you know to practice or just not bother
  13. Jhonon1

    Last minute NJ tri-state meetup? Malestrom convention

    Only a 90 Min drive, but pretty sure I can't make it out this weekend :/
  14. Jhonon1

    TEST Mead

    No tits, but it is from Glorious Leader. Maybe on the back, use it as your list of ingredients?
  15. Jhonon1

    I almost made it past 4/6. Just broke down and got my Vanguard.

    Can confirm I intended to make do with the Aurora LN and that was... But then the Herald was cheap... And the Orion made mining seem so appealing... And the Vanguard just seems so gloriously tanky... Then there's the rest of the concept sales we haven't gotten to... So yeah, in the end I will...
  16. Jhonon1

    300i Bitching Betty [discussion]

    While I would enjoy having a properly voiced AI that would simply be ridiculous. Even if you had one actor do the lines for each major shipbuilder that's still at least a dozen, and the amount of lines needed is ungodly. With the TTS system though anything your ship might output as as text, ala...
  17. Jhonon1

    TEST BABY BEST BABY -My Little Turret Gunnar

    Well Done Slum! What kind of names is the Wifey open to?
  18. Jhonon1

    [Interest Poll] Operation Pitchfork

    Other way around, first we Join everyone. Get somewhere with it. Then, when we are either basically victorious or distinctly losing, we turn on our 'fellow' corps
  19. Jhonon1

    [SlumLords] HeadQuarter's and Vouch Center

    Possibri Possibri, that stuff in the cabinets is vape juice not modelling paint right? Don't know if I really want a mouse like that, and my 780Ti suits ME fine. My brother would probably be peachy with a 960 though, might even get him off LoL for a bit and try out SC... Also, not 21 so I...
  20. Jhonon1

    So... I made some rudder pedals...

    Yup yup, nothing like that for me... Yet. Someday probably, but not yet. Engaging work for the most part, but I'm pretty sure I'll be going for a Mold Making+Tool/Die apprenticeship within the year. Gotta tag along with my one friend sometime and see if that stuff floats me boat.
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