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  1. Azmodeth

    How about some propaganda?

    The ship in the third picture looks like a giant space turd.
  2. Azmodeth

    Microsoft just proved themselves to be one of the most ignorant, imbecilic companies ever...

    Its in their EULA that they are not responsible.
  3. Azmodeth

    7000 TESTie Hype!

    Okay, maybe he is also the owner now too, or just the director that was on their page. Either way. haha
  4. Azmodeth

    Racing Division - POLL: Vote for our logo - 6 variants.

    They don't have a picture with like a raptor on roller blades or something ? Would that be your mascot too ?! XD
  5. Azmodeth

    Hi everybody

    Nice Avatar!1oneone Welcome to TEST
  6. Azmodeth

    [WTS] BNIB 970s at discount for TESTies

    @Montoya When you run SLI the cards will clock themselves to the primary cards values. So if you use a SSC in the first slot and a el-cheapo in the second slot, they will both match the super super clock'd one in the primary slot. Vice versa as well, so, you can keep them at the lower values...
  7. Azmodeth

    Rare Raptor

    Sniper Raptor ?
  8. Azmodeth

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    I liked it first ! TEST Piwat BEST Piwat !
  9. Azmodeth

    That Z_7 guy from ADI is ruining everything!

    Okay, wonder if he remembers me. I think i told him I love once before... so this should be interesting...
  10. Azmodeth

    7000 TESTie Hype!

    the guys is a director or something from some othercorp, lol.
  11. Azmodeth

    Looking at a new system Build. Critics Welcome!

    X9 From Eurocom(new/Latest/upcoming if not officially launched) Clevo P377SM). 6700K skylake, SLI 990M 32GB DDR4 RAM at 2133Mhz+ and a M.2 2280 Samsung SSD 512GB, comes with USB 3-C and thunderbolt 3, and an optional 3 or 4K LCD as well.
  12. Azmodeth

    Pirates/Piracy impact on Organization

    wait, if your character dies , does the next of kin inherit all your outlaw status ???
  13. Azmodeth

    My Setup

    AND don't eva drink Bud Light!
  14. Azmodeth

    Pirates/Piracy impact on Organization

    This is what I have come to understand, based on our volume : To NOT be pirates, or a criminal organization, we would have to start ENFORCING rules and restrictions, this is essentially NOT HOW TEST IS KNOWN thus far, to me, personally. That would be like those hippies from ADI who are all about...
  15. Azmodeth

    Atlas (ADI) represents at Dragoncon!

    good answer, then we will let ADI have it....
  16. Azmodeth

    Community Hub coming Tuesday, SC Streamers to be Featured!

    There is this one guy I've personally seen get over a dozen winnings.. in multiple streams. Is there a way a bot can cheat the system ?
  17. Azmodeth

    Atlas (ADI) represents at Dragoncon!

    okay, now your just screwing with me, I've been asking you to do this since I came onboard, LOL
  18. Azmodeth

    Positions at CIG a lot of jop opening, and we do know CIG even relocates people for a job when needed. Seems they need a lot of Artists.
  19. Azmodeth

    Black & Yellow #imastarcitizen

    Brothers ?
  20. Azmodeth

    Unboxing my RAM

    Man did Montoyo look so happy in his video haha
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