I'll probably dabble in some smuggling, but only within the corp most likely. I wonder if the Tali will be able to smuggle. Small cargo bay, but tons of teeth.
Beer batter I'd hope.
Lancer can comfortably fit 6-8 people. It has two beds, 4 chairs, and the two little side things (Though, that might just be on the DUR).... Or does it have 4 beds. I can't remember.
I might grab a C and hold it to melt/CCU for a BMM. However, it actually looks like the C has better overall defences than the MM at this current point in dev, hope that gets reworked somehow. MM possibly has better "tank" or higher speed/agil or lower sig maybe to compensate?
I wonder how viable the Hull C is for a solo pilot. It shows max crew of 3, but can 1 person hold down the fort for basic moving?
Will have either a B or C next Saturday depending on how much I'm willing to part with/raise/save. Really want the C.
I think the C and larger are the best looking in the bunch. They all look like hauler-lancers in the front, and man that animation is cool. I'm contemplating a B currently. Will easily get a C in PU or if I can come up with ~$100 by the 4th somehow