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  1. Scape

    Hello All

    Welcome to TEST
  2. Scape

    Ship naming - "my name is..."

    My MSR is called the 'Mametz Wood'. After the objective given to the Welsh 38th division at the first battle of the Somme. Name sounded catchy to me
  3. Scape

    Hey Test!

    Welcome to TEST!
  4. Scape

    Hi everyone! o7

    You sound like just the person we need! Welcome to TEST!
  5. Scape

    MISC Odyssey looks to be better explorer than Carrack! Buying Org Odyssey!

    I endorse this product or service!
  6. Scape

    Newguy Mcguyson

    Welcome to TEST!
  7. Scape

    The $400M and there is no game video

    The comments section still full of leeches that have never played it, these people must live such boring lives.
  8. Scape


    My god, what a perfect human being!
  9. Scape

    Brazilian Huehuehue in the area

    Welcome to TEST!
  10. Scape


    Welcome back to TEST
  11. Scape

    So will Pyro 3 be the test homebase?

    This Science is Efficient
  12. Scape

    What's up Doc?

  13. Scape

    New Guy Post

    Welcome to TEST Squadron BEST Squadron™
  14. Scape


    Welcome to TEST!
  15. Scape


    Welcome to TEST! "I wonder if Vavrik will like my post first?" 🤔
  16. Scape

    how to become a turret gunner

    Title - "how to become a turret gunner" What i read - "how to be director gunner" :o7:Apart from my lazy mind its an interesting read
  17. Scape

    Hiya guys from Bien Solo

    Welcome to TEST!
  18. Scape

    Introduction Post

    You look like an Autobot! Welcome to TEST!
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