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  1. GrumpyCat

    Xian Dildos

    Hey if you are buying!
  2. GrumpyCat

    Xian Dildos

    My favorite is still "Esperian licensing has gone too far."
  3. GrumpyCat

    Xian Dildos

    What a time to be alive! View:
  4. GrumpyCat

    Testies LTI Buy Back Thread Revival

    Just the ship
  5. GrumpyCat

    Testies LTI Buy Back Thread Revival

    Got some ships collecting dust on the buyback page. RULES AS ALWAYS: Must be verified Testie for minimum 3 months. I eat paypal fees. Standalone Ship Aegis Hammerhead lti $650.00 Standalone Ship - A2 Hercules $700 ORIGIN 600i Series Combo Pack - LTI - Warbond Edition $770 Standalone Ship -...
  6. GrumpyCat

    Other Divisions of TEST Squadron

    wow.. we are actually talking about org stuff? I...I dont ... is this TEST? Did I take a wrong turn?
  7. GrumpyCat

    [Video] Atlas is proving to be extremely popular here at TEST

    Yea so usually your videos are really informative, but this one felt empty. 3/10 Montoya...
  8. GrumpyCat


    Uh... 9
  9. GrumpyCat

    [Video] Squadron 42 Roadmap released

    I dont mind testing it. SQ42 was always just an add-on for me, i backed this game to walk around ridiculously large ships, and stare out into pretty space. So i'll be the sacraficial lamb here and test it for you guys.
  10. GrumpyCat

    Would you want to work at CIG?

    They have an DevOps position that I want to take, but its very unfocused, its hard to tell what they want exactly.
  11. GrumpyCat

    Star Citizen Financials and New Investors
  12. GrumpyCat

    Idris P Conversion Kit

    @Montoya this is a great drama video material, people are losing their minds.
  13. GrumpyCat

    Idris P Conversion Kit

    Well I mean who wouldnt be... it literally grants idris-p's a previously empty size 10 cannon.. even if its a laser beam..
  14. GrumpyCat

    Idris P Conversion Kit

    Surprised I dont see a thread about this here. *edit* Ahh you folks are talking in the bigger thread. Oh well I feel like this is a separate thing from the main sale anyway.
  15. GrumpyCat

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    ugh, why would you do the biggest capital manufacturer on MONDAY when people have to go back to work.
  16. GrumpyCat

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    Current fleet: This is probably my fleet by game start unless they sell a battlecruiser or something. I have the idris and javelin on buyback already so i just need to pick up the second kraken on this sale or the next. I really hope they sell a battlecruiser instead though... having 1...
  17. GrumpyCat


    thank you ! had to take a break for a while because of some personal stuff, but FINALLY got the $$$ to repurchase my account. Felt naked without it.
  18. GrumpyCat


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