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  1. Crymsan

    Aegis Announcement Predictions? - Capital Ship ALMOST confirmed - Find out in August :(

    I do not care If its massive, what they need is a giant sized ai controlled ship so you can solo it and all the money raised might mean the game gets finished.....
  2. Crymsan

    Aquila, Mercury or Corsair?

    As has been mentioned elsewhere the corsair has silly side turrets which will do nothing at all. The mercury is sort of under gunned unlike the millennium falcon it is hard to see it taking out any decent fighters the connie is just an old design and it shows. For someone wanting to own just one...
  3. Crymsan

    Aegis Announcement Predictions? - Capital Ship ALMOST confirmed - Find out in August :(

    If that's true should be the middle sized salvage ship. Unless that's the reclaimer and this new thingy is massive.
  4. Crymsan

    Drake Corsair now on Sale for Everyone

    It looks okay, its a reasonable modest multi crew ship. It wouldn't add anything to my already to large fleet so at best I would get a ccu and probably never use it.
  5. Crymsan

    Anthem: I see the path.

    I have no doubt but if I use a Mike I disturb the Mrs and well you know in its current form is it worth it?
  6. Crymsan

    Anthem: I see the path.

    lets be honest I hope you enjoy 3.5 but like all things star citizen it promises much looses something in the making and hopefully there is still something left to entertain for at least the next 3 months. I can not see 3 months of game play being added but that's just me!
  7. Crymsan

    Anthem: I see the path.

    The industry is very boring, one big hit and its copied to death. Games do not last long at the top either.
  8. Crymsan

    Anthem: I see the path.

    I can wait for new content its only a $60 dollar game much cheaper than ships! Still haven't spent anything yet on it though the "Broccolli" loot drops are not really my thing.
  9. Crymsan

    Argo SRV Q&A is out

    I think the last one was interesting making the decision it couldn't scan
  10. Crymsan

    Anthem.... another let down.

    They have time as long as they have money.....
  11. Crymsan

    Anthem.... another let down.

    Well all their eggs are in that basket for sure.
  12. Crymsan

    Anthem.... another let down.

    It seems to be a game with around 20 or so hours of content. Quests are simple and repetitive. It does make me wonder how much real game play will be in S42 Episode 1 and how much of that game play will be travelling effectively doing nothing.
  13. Crymsan

    Esperia Should Restore the Redeemer

    It is a shame that rather than address the redeemer they just added what they want to do those roles instead.
  14. Crymsan

    Argo SRV Concept Sale - Sale Open to All now

    So if your ships is flying at speed x and you apply a pull force with this ship does this mean you can make your ship go faster? If so if you can daisy chain them in a loop can you create a black hole by spinning fast enough?
  15. Crymsan

    Glorious TEST Javelins!

    So since people are supposedly at the grind stage already, finished the story etc do people still think this game is worth buying or is it still in the wait to buy stage?
  16. Crymsan

    Argo SRV Concept Sale - Sale Open to All now

    If persistence is real there has to be a method of moving ships around. Clearly if you can afford and run a drake capital ship no problem the tug should cater for smaller ships. You can of course just move people and they fly one ship back at a time but relocating will take an age. Clearly you...
  17. Crymsan

    Argo SRV Concept Sale - Sale Open to All now

    Tugs are interesting, especially with gravity wells and atmosphere. The ability to move ships around makes sense but I doubt its an easy mechanic .
  18. Crymsan

    Welp EA did it with Anthem

    The publicity they got for the star wars thing didn't really sell the game though. I do wonder whether the price of stuff is the typical bait and switch, $20 dollars for a skin way to much, they "listen" and reduce it to $15 and now its okay! I am not bothered by playing the demo but will look...
  19. Crymsan


    Push backs are clearly the norm, when its something that's been pushed back three times it is clear it is not on their priority list. As I am sure everyone knows there is clearly no salvage in squadron 42 after all, all those ships we spend money on will have no use in squadron 42 at all! Lets...
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