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  1. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Florida with some of the lowest infection rates now. I'll post an article that speculates on why, but it is just speculation. EDIT:
  2. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    this happens quite often, if not every year. It isnt a play by any particular party, its just business as usual. And youre right. Its the workers that suffer. 2018 I think it was, when i worked at kennedy space center, the place was a ghost town for a couple weeks if i remember correctly. Maybe...
  3. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Have any of you seen any of the other variants shown here? I wonder what’s so exclusive about the omicron variant if these other variants still exist along side it. Obviously the alpha and delta variants have been front and center, but I’m wondering if I’ve just missed the news on the other...
  4. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I was just at the VA clinic a week ago or so. I asked about the booster (I had the 2 dose Pfizer in March) and they said I didn’t need it. I did however get My flu shot. EDIT: just to add some more info, the VA still has people outside each entrance doing Covid screenings, making sure everyone...
  5. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Things we may have missed about the MISC Odyssey

    You have no idea. This is your best video yet.
  6. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Hello Test

  7. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Shit new applicants are saying

    I didn’t know TEST attracted such beautiful minds. Wonderful :)
  8. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    It’s a South African hoax! … But seriously you’d think we’d have more info on it already other than “it might be a thing to worry about, who knows” and “we don’t know if it’s in the US, but it probably is”. COVIDEbola-666 is it dangerous? Maybe, maybe not.
  9. Jolly_Green_Giant

    To RAFT or not RAFT?...

    Good VTOL and stability in atmo supposedly, good for stability in hostile weather condition. Rapid load / unload of external modules. Seems like a good companion to the hull C and up. If I was new, this would be my first choice as a starter ship if all I cared about was cargo.
  10. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    “On tonight’s news, did the new omicron variant come from SPACE??? … more at 11.” also, I would really suggest looking at nextstrain, its Crazy how the delta variant has just taken over everything.
  11. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    On a more serious note, looking at , the delta variant has absolutely dominated the global data. I see nothing showing an omicron variant, or maybe they have yet to name it officially? the latest one they have named is the Mu variant. I’m not a whale biologist or anything so I...
  12. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

  13. Jolly_Green_Giant


    We can ask no more or no less. Welcome to the best organization in the universe.
  14. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    He has a little tree, and gutters!
  15. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Metal TEST Squadron Logos

    Not mounted yet, but I have to say. This is quality work.
  16. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Audio nuts, I need you brains

    Did you set the line out volume in the go xlr app (mixer settings) to max? You should do that and see if that helps.
  17. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Audio nuts, I need you brains

    i have a goxlr hooked up to my pc via usb. I use that as my dac, but then i use the goxlr line out to hook up to my headphone amp. So i have line out from my go xlr into my headphone amp. I also use the DT 1990 pros. I think your best bet would just be to use your line out on your soundcard to...
  18. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Ares Inferno first look!

    I think it will be something thats attached to a Liberator or idris (or something of the sort). It may not carry much ammo, but with fleet support I bet its capabilities are amplified.
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