A couple large ships covering each other with a couple fighter escorts is the way to go. Going alone is a good way to get picked off.
Those small guns are annoying but for a fully equipped large ship I don't think you'll be doing much with 2xS1 anything.
I've been trying various combinations of black, yellow, and plain steel. Nothing quite hours it just right on the Colossus though. Maybe I should experiment some more. 🤔
Oh. My. God. Those alien lovers better not get their hands on the Redeemer!
I'd rather see it get a bit more blocky and become an Anvil attack helicopter kind of ship to compliment the Valkyrie.
BUT! As long as the ship comes out and it's bad-ass I don't mind.
One dedicated Titan suit dropship.
Medium industry ships; mining, salvage, etc.
Mining drone carrier ship.
Anvil capital.
Crusader something.
At least one Esperia ship.
Space station construction ship.
Medium/heavy fighter to compete with Vanguard other than the F8.
Okay I get you now. I've only seen M.2 and PCIe NVMe drives and last I checked the PCIe has some drawbacks, so they were all just M.2 is latest and greatest to me... Until now!
M.2 drives are advertised with at least 4x the random read/write speed of the last generation of SSDs so I'm not sure where you're getting that info.
Comparing https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA12K7968212&Description=m.2&cm_re=m.2-_-20-147-690-_-Product and...
The new M.2 drives are way faster than the previous generation of SSD which will mean new motherboard to support it. If I were you I'd save your money and do a complete system rebuild when you have the money for all the best, or one step down from that.
We have an official response to the Idris Kit insurance question and additional clarification on converting an Idris-P to an Idris-M.
The Kit is LTI and a conversion will be available in game at authorized shipyards for substantial UEC.
See the official announcement here...
Hey everyone!
I hate it when other people do this, but now I have my first opportunity to cancel an event. HOWEVER, we are going to pivot and take advantage of the release of Atlas! Many of our most active Discord Star Citizen players have been playing Atlas and we invite you to join us. We have...