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  1. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I remember all of the 'we must get this inspection done in this strict guideline". Worst days of my life preparing for inspections years out, all to find out it was probably some commander getting their rocks off to bolster their OPR. Its events like that that get labeled as 'dog and pony show'...
  2. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    3.5 million dead and i just dont want the world to say "oh well, nothing we could have done, dont want to be mean to china." They covered it up until it was too late. China practically had our media running their propaganda and they just went with it. Thinking it came from the level 4 lab right...
  3. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    So from what im reading across multiple news sources is that biden shut down the investigation into the origins of covid in china and as soon as CNN reported this he reopens the investigation. Now its coming to light that the NIH was funding research at the wuhan lab which included gain of...
  4. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    I think I picked the absolute worst time to buy crypto.
  5. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

    SPECTRUM THREAD DumbTESTy426: So its abundantly clear we have transdimensional craft in real life. If you all at CIG cared about REALISM and FIDELITY you would give us a transdimensional craft that punches above its weight class. You are clearly out of touch with the community. inb4 "But...
  6. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

    Looking at the videos we get to see an interesting IR signature, it reminds me of the Alcubierre drives displacement field: I see this phenomena as an object being displaced rather than being propelled. There's nothing that resembles any known method of propulsion that could have something...
  7. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Wth did I just watch?

    This is a badass video! One thing that amazes me the most is how that dude took the kick of 1200 rounds of 7.62 to the shoulder in under 9 minutes. Ive fired an ak-47 full auto, it kicks hard and it took all my upper strength to keep that barrel from riding up on me.
  8. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    HEY! I invested in DOGE and have lost money already. I want to speak to the DOGE manager! The internet guaranteed I would get rich, the hell is going on here?!
  9. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    My thought process: "This is hilarious, what If it does end up taking off? Im gonna be pretty mad if by some strange ways of meme magic it takes off again and I didn't play along with all the cool kids." Its like a kickstarter for me. I have already accepted the loss before ive even bought in...
  10. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    I had a friend of mine trying to convince me ETH 2.0 is the future.
  11. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    2021: a doge odyssey 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
  12. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    I think I understand now. Elon is trying to get people to stop mining bitcoin, that way he keeps people from buying up all the GPUS and we can finally get our hands on some 3000 series rtx cards. It's brilliant.
  13. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    This is the way.
  14. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Crypto discussion

    I decided to take some money and blow it on dogecoin and bitcoin the same way id blow it on jpegs. I didnt want to try and set up a wallet and get involved with binance / coinbase or any of the other exchanges just yet so I started with robinhood. I might put some money in some actual stocks but...
  15. Jolly_Green_Giant

    Anybody placing bets?

    Im with cosmic on this one, it's probably going to end up somewhere in the pacific.
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