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  1. ChenAU


    responses to the butthurt report
  2. ChenAU

    Project CARS!

    All Aboard
  3. ChenAU

    Imperium moving to alience with my arma TAC group

    To sum up I don't like the fact that Imperium, a no fun org taking advantage of an small, but large for the oce time slot. Personally I rather my tac group to be left alone or alley with test
  4. ChenAU

    Project CARS!

    my friend told me that the only issue he came across was the physics. Like "when you go over a bump the car jumps" however he has not played the alpha for some time so yeah. Other then that I'm sold on weather.
  5. ChenAU

    Imperium moving to alience with my arma TAC group

    The AEF is an oceanic gaming community which has a small SC roster of 20~30. Now the part that disgust me is when another org ie anyone besides test taking advantage of the smaller org. Please test help me. A greeting from Imperium On...
  6. ChenAU


    It is in line with my desktop theme.
  7. ChenAU


    A Star Citizen org has 3 filled gaming channels for GTA5 and none for SC.
  8. ChenAU


    I know, it was mainly for the webmaster to impediment a page.
  9. ChenAU

    TEST MOD BUTTHURT REPORT FORM <iframe src="" width="760" height="2160" frameborder="0"...
  10. ChenAU

    Call me October,come from a place very very far away.

    G'day cobber, Welcome I'm Glad you're game enough to not be a jumpback and joining Test Bloody hard yakka, better get you a tinny.
  11. ChenAU

    Looking for Night Crew emblem designs & sugestions

    Remember the old CRT Tellies, I do.
  12. ChenAU

    Star Citizen for..

  13. ChenAU

    Star Citizen for..

    More like am I right.
  14. ChenAU

    Requesting Mod

  15. ChenAU

    Requesting Mod

    Requesting a new or old mumble mod for the pacific time slot.
  16. ChenAU

    New GPU, DirectX 12 support

    something like that and if i was you i would wait for r93xx and the next gen nvida card
  17. ChenAU

    So Valve announced their VR headset

    BBC: One of Valve's most famous games is the Half-life series, and I know there are millions and millions of gamers that are desperate for a new Half-life game to come out. Is the new Half-life going to be on the virtual-reality headset? Is that what Valve is going to do with this machine? Cher...
  18. ChenAU

    New GPU, DirectX 12 support

    Anything with AMD's GCN technology. So that's Radeon HD 7000 Series and up will have full Support ONLY maxwell gtx9xx cards and up will full support gtx 6xx and 7xx will only have backwards support to sum up if it runs DX11.1 it will run DX12 as long as you have win 10
  19. ChenAU

    OH NO...Spock is dead

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