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  1. Admiral_Nolan

    This Rounds On Me, Fellow Test...ies!

    Welcome to TEST!!! You may just have the level of insanity were loking for!!!! :D
  2. Admiral_Nolan

    Getting started as a weekend streamer---Admiral_Nolan

    I just started streaming last weekend, had a lot of fun and plan to keep doing it every Saturday and Sunday from 8-10pm CDT. I'm trying to get some more followers so I just got a bot for my channel (bot is not on 24hrs a day yet, but will be soon) and will be doing a Mustang Alpha giveaway once...
  3. Admiral_Nolan


    Welcome to TEST!!! Loonies and game addicts are our favorite people... Well, right behind crazy and drunk anyway. :)
  4. Admiral_Nolan

    Wearing pants is highly overrated!!!

    Wearing pants is highly overrated!!!
  5. Admiral_Nolan

    Testies, explain your avatar

    Because I have fun toys, love mischief, and really want to hear an earth shattering KABOOM!!!!!
  6. Admiral_Nolan

    Any interest in org funded Reliants?

    I would back an org reliant or 5..... more ships=bigger boom!!
  7. Admiral_Nolan

    What motivates you to buy ships?

    I have 30+ ships. I like having every option available so no matter what I want to do, I can just go do it. To me the game is all about who you're playing the game with and not about getting to the next ship. I also like the idea that TEST should have the biggest, baddest fleet of them all...
  8. Admiral_Nolan

    Happy Birthday Montoya :D

    I have an immoral soul, will that work?
  9. Admiral_Nolan

    A.D.O.S.... Attention Deficit, Oooh Shiney

    A.D.O.S.... Attention Deficit, Oooh Shiney
  10. Admiral_Nolan


    Welcome to TEST!!! Fittings for straight jackets are on Mondays... Enjoy.
  11. Admiral_Nolan

    Who's going to CitizenCon this year?

    I'll be there, it's just a "short" plane ride from Houston. And they just approved my vacation time. :D
  12. Admiral_Nolan

    I almost made it past 4/6. Just broke down and got my Vanguard.

    $5005.40 plus about $900 in the grey market
  13. Admiral_Nolan

    I almost made it past 4/6. Just broke down and got my Vanguard.

    I started in October with a 315p, now I have 26 ships
  14. Admiral_Nolan

    I almost made it past 4/6. Just broke down and got my Vanguard.

    It always starts with the small ships... next thing you know you've melted your credits card buying internet space ships. :D
  15. Admiral_Nolan

    April Ship Giveaways to help promote my Twitch Stream:

    Insanity, racing, explosion, space ships, and a healthy dose of DERP! Alway fun hanging out on stream.
  16. Admiral_Nolan

    Tali Bombers roll call

    I could never resist a big ship with lots of guns, of course I have one. :D
  17. Admiral_Nolan

    MasterBoing HERE! Hello everyone~~!

    Welcome to TEST!!! Live long and prosper!
  18. Admiral_Nolan

    How much of your beer fund have you spent on this game?

    $4,222.23 USD to grey market of about $700.00... But I have a REALLY nice hangar! :D Edit: bought a few more ships, now at $4,810.55
  19. Admiral_Nolan

    Hey guys just joined!

    Welcome to TEST!!! By the way... isn't pharmaceutical technician a politically correct way of saying you sell drugs for a living?? :D
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