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  1. Czechmate


    .--. .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.-- / -. --- - .-.-.-
  2. Czechmate


    .-- .... .- - / - .... . / .... . .-.. .-.. / .- .-. . / .-- . / -.. --- .. -. --. ..--..
  3. Czechmate

    Input on the rig I plan on building?

    Only thing I can suggest is go with a liquid cooler instead of the fan. They're just as cheap as the high end fans now and preform much better.
  4. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    To be perfectly honest I'd rather it be called Wagonborn than TL;DR. TL;DR has a completely different feel to the name compared to the other divisions. Instead of being funny and light hearted it comes off as serious trying to be funny and failing at being funny.
  5. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    At this point, TLDR could be used to mean TL;DR because we have 4 other sub divisions. Solo Traders could be called: Mother Truckers Organized Convoys could be called: Wagonborn Test shipping could be called: UPTEST or TESTEX or something along those lines. and Combat Resupply could be call...
  6. Czechmate

    For those intrigued by the FPS module!

    I was going by general computing and not factoring in gaming. The jump from sandy to haswell is argued to be between 5%-35% depending on who's reviewing and which batch of Haswells they got. Your estimate of about 10% for gamers is probably accurate. As for graphics your right about the 50%...
  7. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    Dulcolax the laxative.
  8. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    It's too subtle. I don't laugh a little when I hear it. If I walked up to someone and they said TL&DR I'd get confused an a little annoyed and find some one else who wants to help me instead. Now, DULCO has a bit more to it. At first glance you don't get it but when you hear the slogan you...
  9. Czechmate

    For those intrigued by the FPS module!

    No, there will be. The new cpu architectures coming out in 2015 are about a 30% improvement. With an additional 20-30% more by early 2016 and then another 30% increase by end of 2016. We're looking at nearly double performance of today by release. Not to mention video cards develop much faster...
  10. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    TL;DR makes us sound like that annoying asshole in the forums that pops up when some one types something long. We could go with something classic like "Strategic Hauling and Interstellar Transportation". Or "Distributed Universal Logistics and Consumer Operations." D.U.L.C.O We move shit.
  11. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    ,!,,-_- FUS RO HAUL!!!
  12. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    Come on, it was asking for it.
  13. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    Hey, at least no one has mentioned an aurora to the knee yet...
  14. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    Try bing! :D:p
  15. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    I think we're mature enough to merge into the Wagonborn. But, now that I think about it. Isn't wagonborn a slang term for gypsies?
  16. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    Ha, I love it. Out of all divisions we shall have the best Moto. FUS RO HAUL. It even makes sense to if you're nerdy enough to translate.
  17. Czechmate

    Space Lord Mother Trucker!

    I will happily help coordinate distribution efforts. May not have anything bigger than a Freelancer by launch... maybe caterpillar, But my specialty is distribution. Quite literally. I'm working on a degree in supply chain management at UWM.
  18. Czechmate

    [Discussion] What ground rules should we canonize in TEST?

    Rules are nice, but less of them makes people happy. Lets keep them simple, 1. Montoya is big daddy. His house, his rules. Rule breakers will be spanked. (Edit) I'd like to also propose that the spanking may be public. Also, anyone have any suggestions on rules girls would constantly break.) 2...
  19. Czechmate

    Operations/Field Command (Brainstorm/Discussion)

    I wouldn't add a rating system. Even if your not supposed to be subjective you can shape objective views to fit a subjective one. Its better just to go on the opinions of other more accomplished FCs. One thing we need to make sure of is to separate the two types of FC we'll need. We'll need an...
  20. Czechmate

    Ship names

    My Aurora will be named: Fox 3 And my cutlass will be named: Grinning Idiot
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