Def not going with conquered over this item that someone randomly stumbles upon, wont abide by this. PvE has infinite time to build with nothing ever happening to them, and in PvP I shoot on site. Def no map reset over a random item find.
So to refute some cons you have
1) The map you see in the beta isnt anywhere close to the size of the map on release. They blocked off and fogged of a lot of the map.
2) The game isnt a mmo never has been advertised as one and never will be, blame retarded ass media for naming this game a mmo...
So after reading some post here ther seems to be some misinformation in small terms. The game developers themselves never classified this game as a mmo, that is just retarded media bs that classifies stupid games like destiny as a mmo or lost ark etc. Also mentioned is the ability to meet people...
Please dont buy total war. They are giving away pre-order races for free then making those who dont pre-order it forced to pay for it. You would be paying for a completed race. Horrible horrible marketing tactics being as it would force you to pre-order the game before you know if it is even good.