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  1. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    So... is there going to be a prize for the winners of this tourney? :D
  2. Accented

    Shive now ranks #16 in Star Marine! Can you do better?

    @Kurzgesagt is at #26, so we might have one in top 25 very soon.
  3. Accented

    Shive now ranks #16 in Star Marine! Can you do better?

    Is this Last Stand or Elimination?
  4. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    @Adiran I talked to you about this about a month ago, but one of the players who signed up under team Shivre, @Bawlsout, is completely inactive. Can we switch him out for @Kurzgesagt, who has already subbed for him in our match against GCOCBC?
  5. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    I just took a look at the stats page, and you put one of our main members under the sub tab. AurThEx is actually @Aurora The Explorer Edit: Also there's an extra zero for our combined score on the main stats page
  6. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    @CrudeSasquatch @Cody Starbuck and @ElFlacoverde should be able to confirm.
  7. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    We just finished our match team Shivre vs GCOCBC and Shivre won 3-0. I didn't get a screencap of the scoreboard at the end so I hope this is enough.
  8. Accented

    Help me build a FAQ for TEST

    Are we on the Operation Haystack or Operation Pitchfork side of that thing that is planned for beta?
  9. Accented

    Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

    I don't see what's wrong with building a reputation as a pirate organization. It's not like that's the only thing we do.
  10. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    So much run and gun. Hopefully most of that was because of CIG being CIG and not because of SM mechanics. Vaulting was really cool though. So was the dynamic cover system. Not sure how I feel about capping points being fixed into one very vulnerable position.
  11. Accented

    What are your desires for The Anniversary Stream / Sale?

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 300 Series rework ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  12. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    @Adiran a member of Shivre, @Bawlsout, is apparently MIA. I'm assuming that he won't be able to make the tourney (whenever it happens). Can we switch him off for a different person? I already have someone in mind (not on any of the teams yet).
  13. Accented

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    Can everyone on Shivre tell me their time zones? Here's what I have so far: GOD_Shive // @Shive // UTC +1 Dalarast // @Dalarast // UTC -8 AurThEx // @Aurora The Explorer // UTC +0 Accented // @Accented // UTC -8 Lythan // @Lythan // UTC +8 (until Feb. then UTC +1) Bawlsout // @Bawlsout // UTC...
  14. Accented


    Works on mobile:ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:
  15. Accented

    [Semi-Serious Not Really] The Economy of Likes

    Am I important @SeungRyul? I must be important to singlehandedly cause this massive devaluation of likes. I'm important yiss.
  16. Accented

    Some Xplor Drama (also "TEST not good for the community as a whole")

    I understood some of those words.
  17. Accented

    Happy Halloween TEST!

    Post pics :D
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