TEST Squadron pilot.. He just stepped to the back to grab another 6-pack.
We're still waiting for RSI to implement the keg-o-rator module for those long drunken flights.
There's only one thing TEST Squadron can do now... crash our Aurora's into the Disney headquarters, take over Disney and remake the remakes... this should go along well with our plans of drunken galactic conquest.
But you could spill some precious beer doing that. So do it in the vacuum of space so you can catch it as it floats out of the bottle. Don't mind the small glass fragments.
I've lived in the PNW most of my life and still haven't had a chance to see a nude bicycle parade... But I know of a lot of bars, pubs, taverns, micro-brewery's, wineries and the location of every liquor store in a 100 mile radius.
Welcome to TEST!
Maybe thats what I used that one time when the shower got the toilet paper wet again in the Starfarers head. Seriously, who sets up a toilet/shower combo and leaves the toilet paper out while the shower is running. Bad design.
That last picture... Somebody finally used their TESTmat the correct way. Pair that with a TEST T-shirt and you'll be totally TESTified. Only thing its missing is the elastic loops to hold the beer cans/bottles.
Even the Blind Owl noticed this... True TESTies are one with the BEER. Was worried that you were over qualified when you said you passed the pilot exams, but drinking and flying is acceptable in TEST Squadron. Welcome!
Welcome to TEST Squadron Xallyon. All cats and non-cats are welcome here. Age of Conan was fun, only game I've ever played that crashed as much as Star Citizen.
First time you crash your Aurora into the sun you'll probably think buying the tesla suit was a bad idea. But then again "virtual dating"... That could help a lot of TESTies.
You can get a free pdf copy of the Basic Rules for the newest edtion of D&D here:
If you plan to DM I'd suggest picking up hard copies of the core rulebooks as well as they explain things in much better detail.
The whole spellplague thing and all the adjustments they made to the realms to make it 4th edition friendly killed Forgotten Realms for me. The Time of Troubles was a lot more fun.