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  1. ShadyBrady

    Greetings! Nosnah Here.

  2. ShadyBrady

    TEST video logo sting

    Don't give me too much credit. I work with after effects and premiere a decent amount, but this was based off of a template to start :D
  3. ShadyBrady

    TEST video logo sting

    Awesome! Here is the high-res version for ya then!
  4. ShadyBrady

    TEST video logo sting

    I forgot I had this awesome template for a logo sting. It certainly would need some good audio effects / music or ambiance. Let me know what you all think. Available for download @ 1080p: Note: Free to use by everyone, but a few...
  5. ShadyBrady

    TEST Fleet

    Hey man - what did you use to generate everything? Great stuff!
  6. ShadyBrady


    Ah that's awesome. I'll have to find a good 3D model since I'm not a sculpter/3D modeler if not this one (I'm guessing they won't allow custom ones so I'll likely use the current helmet).
  7. ShadyBrady

    Ship names

    Which one am I naming exactly? The 1st Super Hornet? 2nd off LTI? 3rd off LTI? 4th off LTI?...
  8. ShadyBrady


    Depends on what the actual end helmets are (I'm sure there will be multiples). I could give some art direction advice if I saw the aesthetics of them.
  9. ShadyBrady

    General update on the SPRNinja

    Fucking awesome man. Safe returns home and I hope you keep a sane head over there. You won't miss much and you'll be welcomed back with flowing kegs!
  10. ShadyBrady

    Hey Everybody!

    My dude you're a Mass Effect fan so welcome! Good to have you :)
  11. ShadyBrady

    Hello fellow TEST Civi's!

    A hardy welcome to you!
  12. ShadyBrady

    doublemcchicken reporting

    Hell yes brother! I haven't heard enough people preaching Mass Effect because I'm 100% with you all the fucking way on that one!
  13. ShadyBrady

    Star Citizen - Planets, Systems, and Stations

    Large. The random one I just cherry picked from the middle is 4920 x 2248 !!
  14. ShadyBrady

    TEST Brew

    If you guys actually do this I offer assistance for any design work needed
  15. ShadyBrady


    Whoa that is incredible. What ship am I looking at here? I'm surprised I don't know what this is...
  16. ShadyBrady

    For all you Pirates....

    Yaaaar-haaaaar *hack* *hack* *guzzle* harrr-harrrrrrrr!!! :mad:
  17. ShadyBrady

    Hello All!! :D

    Welcome! And as mentioned, we will have a lot of members so you will have plenty chance to do whatever you want with other folks. Mumble is up at the moment, and we're doing a stress test tomorrow (Friday) due to some random drop-out issues we've been noticing. You can also check the teamspeak...
  18. ShadyBrady

    Free Hornet week Flight school!

    Haha that would be an awesome tattoo. I'm doing my 2nd session for a large forearm piece that is basically a skeleton with roses for a short explaination. I'll try get on that evening - hopefully you all are still hanging out! It wouldn't be till 4:30 or 5pm EST unfortunately :confused:
  19. ShadyBrady

    Free Hornet week Flight school!

    I really wish I could make this one :( I'm going to be getting inked through the whole session. Maybe we should do a separate North American time zone one? Has anyone thrown those yet?
  20. ShadyBrady

    Favorite Space Marine Chapter or Faction in General?

    The Space Wolves are definitely ballers.
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