@AntiSqueaker I'm getting it anyways on Sunday. If you go Caterpillar I'll pew pew anything that gets close to it since like x4 big ships can hook up to a Cat.
Imagine you Cat with x4 Polaris attached to it hahahahahahaha!
Well hell if we have x3 TEST PAL Polarai we could harass / threaten / win against Atlas Idris Care Bears everyday of the week!
Oh Oh!!! We need to give them all the same name!
Or number them 1-10 & not have in between numbers!
I'm doing this btw, it's gunna cause sweet tears to flow if we find a solo Idris pilot trying to mine or some nonsence :D
Also logical reasoning: larger ships will cost exponentially more in game (per CR): maximum bang4$ is meltingly everything to biggest ship you see yourself using & getting...
Probably any 'Unclaimed' system would work for that.
Backstory is fun to write! I tried but ended up with the classic dead parents / adopted by Xi'An gangsters trope ... Probably need to rewrite backstory.
They specifically said if you had NPC crew (hired) your friends could Agent Smith into them to help run your ship.
So I assume that means if Australian Smith takes a nap the NPC crew member goes back to being an NPC.
No idea if the Auzie char walks into your ship then loses...
1st post where I re found that system name lol
I mean kinda :-/ gross but illegal/BlackMarket Droids Confirmed in SC...
Edit: I'm ok with this if you can hack them and use them in high profile assassinations, put them in Armor & run around as decoys, or fill...
Is it good for pirate?
-Not dying +1
-Solo-able +1
-Big gun in front +1 (space grog makes those other swivelly guns meh)
-Find Ppl for TEST PALs to go hang out with +1
-Cargo ???
-APC ???
-Expensive -1
Question is: "Do I melt Retaliator for it...?"
Played, still do, fun but a touch grindy.
When asked about this game I say: Depressing Survival / Crafting game made by Russians
Also should Note: your game experience largely comes from your server, RP, & GMs!
Did they just ask Black or Yellow?!? Me thinks Drake has a TEST memebers on their marketing team!
Also swore I wouldn't buy another one until the Corvette came out... But I could probably put one of two of these in the corvette ...
Things I found in PTU 2.4:
Random Saber spawn up in the air (possibly for devs, QA, or I luck glitched?)
Said Saber was unlocked
hopped in no Max Speed...at all...
infinite ammo & shields
Smashed around at 500+
Server crashed & now I want a saber...