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  1. Bockbiertje

    PTU 2.5 Wave 2 GO!

    Did the same. Bought a nice skull shirt, walked around, forgot to put my space suite back on, walked outside and instantly got liquefied :p
  2. Bockbiertje

    PTU 2.5 Wave 2 GO!

    Yup, I'm in as well
  3. Bockbiertje

    European (US welcomed) members 2.5 release Test Squadron event

    Which files are you referring to? I play with an X52 Pro as well and don't have any (big) problems.
  4. Bockbiertje

    European (US welcomed) members 2.5 release Test Squadron event

    I'm always up for some good fun!
  5. Bockbiertje

    Am I allowed to...

    Hi RedLir Thnx for the info! I had contact with Nightrider and he send me the package so all has been solved :) Now I only have to find more time and energy to stream a bit more :D
  6. Bockbiertje

    Dead ships

    It looked pretty awesome! What I was wondering.... is this damage model going to be real-time? So if I walk in a corridor and we get shot do cables and steel beams bend and hang loose from the ceiling and walls?
  7. Bockbiertje

    Uhm... Hello

    Ohai Welcome to TEST. Hope you will have fun, find a lot of PEW PEW and splosions! Oh and beer of course. o7
  8. Bockbiertje

    Warmasterchief here at your service

    Welcome to TEST chief! Have fun! Cheers!
  9. Bockbiertje

    into the verse

    Welcome to TEST! Hope you will enjoy your stay here! See you in the Verse. P.s. Love the band as well (Gojira) :)
  10. Bockbiertje

    #MissileMonday ....?

    The only one who had a great missile Monday was Farasalt I guess. He spended like 1 Mil on missiles :p
  11. Bockbiertje

    Rebele93...signing on

    Welcome to TEST, hope you will have a great time here with us!
  12. Bockbiertje

    R.i.p Jerry Doyle
  13. Bockbiertje

    Hello 0/

    Welcome to TEST. Hope you will have a great time!
  14. Bockbiertje

    Build me a new PC: Oz

    I like that RAM :rolleyes:
  15. Bockbiertje


    Welcome to TEST. I hope you will enjoy your stay! See you in the Verse
  16. Bockbiertje

    Ze German

    mmmmzzzz too much beer this early morning :rolleyes:
  17. Bockbiertje

    Ze German

    Oh dear... Never mention the Limbo's. We don't talk about the Limbo's! :eek:
  18. Bockbiertje

    Hey all...

    Welcome to TEST Jason. Hope you will have a great time!
  19. Bockbiertje


    Thank you for the RAID commander! Had a blast and met some great people :) Follow my course "how not to land your ship" :cool:
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