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  1. PeppaPigKilla

    Credit BuyBacks?

    its possible, i melted kraken and used buy back to get it again
  2. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    really? I mean come on.
  3. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    im speculating but I'm thinking maybe the ones who dont want this have links to the parties and wont donate if you tax blah blah blah
  4. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    We could do with that here
  5. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    This thread gets mad weird at times.
  6. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Wonder which other companies took the piss that will fly under the radar
  7. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Im not against vaccines, i've had them. I am not going to be running out to get this one either and i dont think i will be the only one. I wonder how this will impact people who work at these venues or need to attend these places for work purposes. I think this might fall flat on its ass
  8. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    And this is policed how ? Guys tripping
  9. PeppaPigKilla

    Anyone able to get the Polaris Warbond CCU to work?

    i assume youre doing it from a hh or naut because when i do it from my carrack it works
  10. PeppaPigKilla

    Is the Perseus useful to the org?

    I'm impressed people actually weigh up its viability unlike me who just see's the hammerhead in half and think yes... that should be my ship.... which it is now
  11. PeppaPigKilla

    Some info finally - Perseus

    Hammerhead and Harbinger
  12. PeppaPigKilla

    Some info finally - Perseus warbind ship cheap pack and warbond...
  13. PeppaPigKilla

    TEST Kraken Captains only

    I have the privateer in buy back, does that count ?
  14. PeppaPigKilla

    Anyone a cheap way to ccu to the 600i from the nomad ?

    I was thinking of doing the bmm to explorer, its only like 25$
  15. PeppaPigKilla

    Anyone a cheap way to ccu to the 600i from the nomad ?

    Currently i have a nomad with lti
  16. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Unfortunately, for nothing
  17. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I thought this would happen to, I think it is unfair on other religions
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