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  1. glockjs

    High RAM Usage

    did. did you just quote urself :p i'd start with task manager>startup and see what you have enabled
  2. glockjs

    FPS combat suggestions?

    why not play some of the classics? half life series, borderlands, bioshock, doom, metro etc etc
  3. glockjs

    [Video] What is your most anticipated game of 2019?

    SC 3.5 if the flight model makes it in there. Outer Worlds has my attention Torchlight frontiers, Project TL and maybe Camelot Unchained
  4. glockjs

    Angry Joe on Atlas

    i'll just leave this here View:
  5. glockjs

    Predictions for 2019 Concept Sales

    1 space party bus plz
  6. glockjs

    Angry Joe on Atlas

    you should check out repopulation. it's a game that died but then it was bought by another company then resurrected. i get updates because i bought into the original and they are going to honor what was sold before. the new company is actually making some good progress imo. it would be closer to...
  7. glockjs

    Ship Database

    i use a combo of the one u listed and the one i linked for a quick look and the one you linked for more detail.
  8. glockjs

    Can't wait for 3.5! Arccorp and the new flight model!

    looking forward to the flight model too! i like my freelancer mis so much i'm actually thinking of adding a max. gotta be patient though cause the flight model could change everything :/
  9. glockjs

    WTF 3.4 / 22

    that's why a small ship with a size 2 would be nice. jump from points to get around fast while also getting down and back up from a planet quickly. i think the size you can install matters with size of the coolers but probably the biggest thing is the size of your qt tanks because you can't mod...
  10. glockjs

    WTF 3.4 / 22

    maybe it has something to do with cooling since the lancer has 2 size 2 coolers? or maybe just a bug? shame though cause i'd be real interested in a small ship that does well in atmo with a size 2 q drive. edit: have you tried running the q drive at something like 3/4 power and see what it does?
  11. glockjs

    Atlas countdown!

    lol the live streamers were trying to get in for 45 min and atlas just put out a tweet that they should have a build in 5 more hours
  12. glockjs

    Is UEC worth purchasing now?

    right now i don't think it is because too much can change. the value of uec probably isn't going to go up while that value of ships has a possibility of going up in value. closer to game launch it might be worth it because you can start doing larger cargo runs and get a bigger jump start right off.
  13. glockjs

    The Freelancer MIS is a BEAST!

    aye. looks like its time to practice some decoupled fighting now. looks like the lancer shields weren't working right per latest patch notes. no wonder i was getting my ass handed to me lol. tried it earlier and muuuuch better.
  14. glockjs

    Squadron 42 Roadmap!

    farther than expected but seems fine imo. the big downside of drawing it out so far is the expectations are going to be really really high. on the flip side i kinda hope this is them under promising and over delivering as far as the date goes.
  15. glockjs

    The Freelancer MIS is a BEAST!

    man going into AC with this ship when it's slow can be an enraging experience. most of the time it's 1v1 and it's vs a faster fighter. there's something about a fighter flying circles around me and the ship being too damn slow to even get eyes on the enemy that makes me rage lol. if you don't...
  16. glockjs

    The Freelancer MIS is a BEAST!

    can confirm that the internal 20 missiles are size 3 all thunderbolt 3's. the external is a total of 8 missiles with size 4 rack and size 3 missiles 2 per rack. all arrester 3.
  17. glockjs

    The Freelancer MIS is a BEAST!

    the way i play i thought those were for ramming other ships ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on another note i just noticed they bumped up the MIS price to $175
  18. glockjs

    The Freelancer MIS is a BEAST!

    was playing around with mine last night a little bit. i don't think ballistic weapons are a right fit for it. once somebody get's up in your personal space it's kinda gg cause of how slow it moves. think i'm gonna go for longer range energy. i think its gonna be my tootin around the verse ship...
  19. glockjs

    Is there a list of ships TEST owns?

    so i'm guessing the crowd ships got mixed in with personal accounts and it's hard to sort besides the big boy ships?
  20. glockjs

    Is there a list of ships TEST owns?

    dope. TEST has all of YES. dunno why some people have a knee jerk "doesn't matter fuck off". curious though is there a ledger of crowd funded ships?
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