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  1. SullyQuindarius

    Just joined

    WELCOME TO TEST! You'll have to borrow my Reclaimer once salvage is implemented. Nothing better for the heart than grinding up shipwrecks into scrap metal.
  2. SullyQuindarius

    Happy Birthday to our Glorious Leader

  3. SullyQuindarius

    waazzzzzzzzz up????

  4. SullyQuindarius

    Hey lets have a fleet post eh?

    I'm too lazy to take a picture. Anvil Hurricane Aegis Avenger Titan Aegis Vanguard Harbinger Drake Cutlass Black Aegis Reclaimer Use your imaginations. Also FLEET ALL THE THINGS!
  5. SullyQuindarius

    Mr. Hasgaha does it again

    I just saw that video. Outstanding, good sir!
  6. SullyQuindarius

    WTB Orion CCU

    see, the thing with that is that the Aquila now costs $ unless you had an old CCU at $275 lying around, you're losing $10.
  7. SullyQuindarius


  8. SullyQuindarius

    Post your PC builds here!

    So just btw, I'm slowly starting to get to a point where I'll be ready to start putting stuff together - so far I have a motherboard (Asus Z370-E), CPU (i7-8700k), GPU (MSI GTX 1080), and case (NZXT H440). Once I get the cooler I'll probably install the CPU/GPU/Mobo in the case. Any tips or...
  9. SullyQuindarius

    WTB Orion CCU

    I was watching that sneak preview of the mining mechanics, and I decided...screw it. I'm gonna get an Orion at some point. Soooooo...does anyone have an Orion CCU they're willing to trade for? I don't care what ship it's from as long as the price of the CCU is under $50, I'm cheap.
  10. SullyQuindarius


  11. SullyQuindarius

    Testie wins great prize at BritizenCon 2018!

    Nice case! I'd say I'm jealous but I'm huge on aesthetics and the case wouldn't match anything else in my WIP PC build. ...okay, maybe just a little jealous.
  12. SullyQuindarius

    Gaming Laptop

    still waiting on that triple screen laptop concept that got showed off last year...
  13. SullyQuindarius

    Advice for a noob please

    Wait until 3.2. Both the Avenger and the Mustang are getting reworks, so I'd check em both out and see which one you like better. I'd personally go with the Avenger, but you might like the Mustang better...
  14. SullyQuindarius

    Day 3 away from my PC

    I'm so sorry, Glorious Leader!
  15. SullyQuindarius

    So am I in? Guys?... guys?

  16. SullyQuindarius

    Pirating through proto-Voltron

    Interesting. Imagine this with Hull-Es.
  17. SullyQuindarius

    Post your PC builds here!

    Because why not? I haven't seen one of these threads yet. I'd post my build to start it off, but ATM it's a growing stockpile of shiny things on my desk.
  18. SullyQuindarius

    Hello Everybod-....spilled my beer..

    5 second rule! Quick, get a vacuum! Save the BEER!
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