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  1. Lemming

    Ship showdown predictions?

    It's probably better to wait until the brackets are out, but does anyone else have any super early final 4 predictions? Mine are Carrack MSR Hurricane Cutlass Black
  2. Lemming

    Hello world!

  3. Lemming

    Nova Tank Sale

    How did the Nova sneak into game without me knowing? Was it in the patch notes?
  4. Lemming


    Wait i got told the cup was 50.... man
  5. Lemming

    Will CIG allow us to buy 890 Jump again?

    IAE it should be available
  6. Lemming

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

    Thank you Freak0 very smooth transaction.
  7. Lemming

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

    PM sent =)
  8. Lemming

    Excited for the Ares?

    Its starting to feel like this thing may come out early
  9. Lemming

    BMM Price increase?

    I can see it going up to 700ish but not any higher then that
  10. Lemming


    Thanks for the replies. I figured it didn't hurt to ask. i'm sure another Carrack wb ccu will come along eventually. ya i generally hold ccus in my hangar because buyback can be wierd....
  11. Lemming


    Looking to get a few ccus if anyone has one just sitting in BB would rather give some cash to a test person then a grey market person Gemini to WB Valk 600i explorer or m2 to $500 carrack Thanks for reading my message.
  12. Lemming

    Is this thing on?

  13. Lemming

    Is this thing on?

    Where you from stranger? Floriduh What drew you to Star Citizen? I remember hearing about SC back in kick starter days and saying that guy is crazy. Didn't really pay much attention but ship showdown 2950 i joined and couldn't get out of bed. So I thought well this game is amazing glad I...
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