It's probably better to wait until the brackets are out, but does anyone else have any super early final 4 predictions?
Mine are
Cutlass Black
Thanks for the replies. I figured it didn't hurt to ask.
i'm sure another Carrack wb ccu will come along eventually.
ya i generally hold ccus in my hangar because buyback can be wierd....
Looking to get a few ccus if anyone has one just sitting in BB would rather give some cash to a test person then a grey market person
Gemini to WB Valk
600i explorer or m2 to $500 carrack
Thanks for reading my message.
Where you from stranger?
What drew you to Star Citizen?
I remember hearing about SC back in kick starter days and saying that guy is crazy. Didn't really pay much attention but ship showdown 2950 i joined and couldn't get out of bed. So I thought well this game is amazing glad I...