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  1. smeggy

    The Amazing Adventures of Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    Welcome to TEST Now, how is Ginger doing?
  2. smeggy

    Another smeghead has arrived

    So I've been away for about a week, returned home yesterday. My wife had given birth to our second child but this time it was a boy. Little Castiel, at 21inches and 8 pounds even. He has nice long fingers, perfect for grabbing his baby-brew while pilotting his My-First-Aurora onto a dwarf star.
  3. smeggy

    WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!! Sticker Raffle 3: The Third One!

    Once upon a 'verse, there beer flowed abundantly into our
  4. smeggy

    Check out my sweet low budget 6dof joystick

    Hmmm, maybe I should pull out the old 360 controller....
  5. smeggy

    Raise a glass for Alan Rickman (RIP) :(

    He will always be my favorite depressed robot.
  6. smeggy

    Suppository of all wisdom

    Hmmm, butt-chugging.
  7. smeggy

    Steam/Uplay/Origin names

    oop, derp. Try kingSm3g on Steam.
  8. smeggy

    Steam/Uplay/Origin names

    Added all of mine in.
  9. smeggy

    Mechwarrior Online, again..

    Just getting into it and installing right meow.
  10. smeggy

    Bounty Hunting T.I.C.R

    I'm up for grabbing bodies.
  11. smeggy

    Testing Please Ignore

  12. smeggy

    TESTie wallpapers

    If you have the chance, and willing to. Could you please make me one featuring an Avenger Stalker or 300i?
  13. smeggy


    Welcome to TEST, glad to see more members.
  14. smeggy

    December 2015 giveaway! A cool TEST Desk Mat!

    Oh Adiran, I have six fingers on my right hand. Prepare to be pleased
  15. smeggy

    print ("Hello Test Squad")

    #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Welcome to TEST."; }
  16. smeggy

    Where's the beer?

  17. smeggy

    Fallout 4 Hype! Tips you should know about!

    Phone is too big(LG G3)... giggidy.
  18. smeggy

    Fallout 4 Hype! Tips you should know about!

    Hype train. CHOO CHOO!
  19. smeggy

    Fallout 4 Hype! Tips you should know about!

    Would have, but phone will not fit the pip-boy edition.
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