I think that most of our central chain of command (Ministry Of Truth, Ministry of Love, You, etc.) will be on a fleet of capital ships travelling between systems (modules) which we control. This system will allow every TEST manager to feel equally loved and protected while still allowing us to...
If you score more than 0, you are a testie.
If you score exactly 0, you are definitely a testie.
If you score less than 0, you are Montoya.
Welcome to TEST!
Use the Gladius if you are looking to become more proficient with flight. It is relatively hard to handle, but is still a breeze compared to some other ships.
Also, in AC everyone goes for the Gladius, which means more practice for you!
I don't like the 325a because it doesn't like me. The only time I have ever crashed to desktop upon entering a ship was with the 325a, and from that point on I hate it with a passion.