I loved that game, just thought it was way too short and they could have done so much more with it. Looking forward to Battlefront, hopefully it lives up to all the hype.
Welcome to Test Squadron!
Played all those myself since 1942 was still in beta and just got to say that flight in SC is a totally new experience.
You should check out https://testsquadron.com/threads/test-squadron-rock-raiders-mining-salvaging.3135/
If you could make your flowchart look like the test logo and change the color coding to black and yellow.. oh and add beer it would be perfect...
Other than that it all looks pretty good. As time goes by and we get closer to a full version of Star Citizen I'm sure it will see some changes, but...
Crash an Aurora full of beer into an enemy carrier... instant party boat! And then spread Test Propaganda to convert them all to the black and yellow! Once they experience the drunken stupor of Test they will never go back to their old ways.
Welcome to TEST, Zone!
Could make it like a reality TV show... camera crew following some random citizen around filming every part of their daily exploits... Or how about creating a Test Squadron documentary, a day in the life of a Test pilot and the camera crew follows a different member each episode.
Cool, I was born in SoCal, but now live in Oregon...
The only skill required is not spilling your beer while crashing your Aurora.
However, you might actually be too skilled for the rest of us...
Welcome to Test Squadron!
Prior to joining Test Squadron I was approached by somebody in Atlas Defense and also received an invite from another org that I can't even remember the name of, but neither of them really felt they would be a good fit. Plus I had already been drawn towards Test because of the endless amounts...