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  1. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    Not really, that still something I forget about in game I can do.
  2. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    I only play mnk because I can’t get my hotas to properly work ( x52 pro) Increase dpi, I run with 1900 and it’s ok, I could probably do with pushing it up a bit more.
  3. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    I'm finding the warden to be a beat, i smashed up 6 interdictor ships no problems
  4. PeppaPigKilla

    More Buybacks?

    All that jazz 😳
  5. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    It’s my first fixed nose ship and I don’t mind it at all, the 2500 fuel capacity matches my cutlass too. This ship is fantastic for bounties which is where I have struggled before.
  6. PeppaPigKilla

    Looking for a Carrack

    I did just this now and got an email back saying they’ll give me access to some things.
  7. PeppaPigKilla

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    Claimed to my hangar Thank you very much
  8. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    rather extensive and informative thanks. I do like the look of the MIS
  9. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    I saw a video of someone destroying a CAT with a retalitor it took 2 torpedos how do you cycle through missiles etc ?
  10. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    One of my friends has a Connie so I won’t be getting one of them unless he sells. I was torn between the warden and retaliatory. Once I found out the retaliatory doesn’t have guns I was put off as I’d still like to fly it solo. Warden it is. the valkyrie looked cool too but I know very little...
  11. PeppaPigKilla


    Welcome aboard my man
  12. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    I just bought the warden. I have a scan on Reddit and seen some comments around it. I want to learn to fly and combat better and this ship seems like a good challenge for me. I was in AC the other day and some guy took it to the end on his own in a warden and i was wowed
  13. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time

    Mainly fun with friends. I feel my cutty can do most of " bit of everything " but i wanted a bigger ship to explore and maybe shoot some things along the way with friends
  14. PeppaPigKilla

    You can buy one of the showdown ships for a limited time Possible to buy one of the ships that isn't usually available. I'm after another ship and wondering what you would recommend? I have a cutty which I want to keep and will be getting a...
  15. PeppaPigKilla

    Bulding a new PC! Anyone have some extra parts they no longer need?

    Hello not sure if thats Dollars, GBP or EUROs Anyhows Motherboard CPU...
  16. PeppaPigKilla

    PC Advice. Keypads/GPUs etc.

    Cloud based gaming opens up pc gaming for the masses On Cheaper scale ( google stadia, shadowtech being a couple to mention). However I’ll be holding out for hardware for as long as the manufacturers make it, with data being the most valuable thing in the world I really dislike the idea of...
  17. PeppaPigKilla

    PC Advice. Keypads/GPUs etc.

    Like apple crumble and custard, Intel and Nvidia are a match made in heaven.
  18. PeppaPigKilla

    PC Advice. Keypads/GPUs etc.

    First off I'm chucking this out and I'll get some sort of flak for it... AVOID AMD, yes you get more for your money, yes they do outperform in places but the headaches and brings is just not worth it in the end. I bought my kids an AMD prebuilt a year ago and ended up building them both new...
  19. PeppaPigKilla

    Anthem game as a service abandons roadmap.

    I preordered it too for £60 and just before release it dropped to £40 I felt devastated.
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