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  1. [EGTID]Killbuni-


    Sims meets the CIV universe nothing wrong with that if that is your bag all good enjoy the exploration side of things
  2. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    [CONCERN] Rising

    [CONCERN] lack of updates on this thread its been at least 3 hours since last post about a CONCERN and I'm getting worried we may be getting complascent that we are NOT CONCERNed
  3. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Getting ready to kick the new year in with a bang!

    Nice have a blast ;) ... Happy New Year Testies
  4. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Petition for CIG to add Multiplayer Free Flight Mode:

    Done and done, well done ;)
  5. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Citizencon 2015 in Manchester UK

    Yes 10th October or as close as they can get it ;)
  6. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Citizencon 2015 in Manchester UK

    I will be going and I trying to drag along some other fools tickets normally go onsale about 2 months before.
  7. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    idris on sale now!

    its wide as it needs to hold those little gladiators in its belly for the big suprise finsh on its enemies lol
  8. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    idris on sale now!

    Nice guys looking forward to crewing for you along the road ;)
  9. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    You Joined TEST Squadron - Why?

    Had a short rsi message chat with Montoya a week or so after spamming the new recruit forums with my drunken rants welcoming people, i guess we had something in common ;)
  10. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    My Delta need to tweak the wepong groups but will do that once we get a stabble test enviroment ;)
  11. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    melted my herald for the Delta sweetness ;) Herald I can get back in game
  12. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    New Wing commander package

    I know it 10,000 but it comes with every thing 2x idris m&p man its a shame we can't melt and club together to gether this for the org 27 left at time of posting
  13. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Thanks To Montoya - The Leader That Keeps on Giving

    *salut* yes mine commandant .. standby sensors ready for next incoming program :confused:
  14. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Test Squadron Best Squadron?

    Sup grumpycat enjoy all the TESTies you can find / talk to / handle :eek:
  15. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    BadNewsBaron was slightly startled

    Hi5 that woman she got mad skills
  16. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Wow, TEST Cat!

    Whats with all this Catawalling lets just find a lap to lay upon and sleep on it
  17. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Best HOTAS for Star Citizen? (Video)

    nice comp vid cheers bossman ;)
  18. [EGTID]Killbuni-

    Good use for an Xbox One

    lol nice
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