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  1. Lorddarthvik

    Gatac Syulen first look!

    Checked it out today, way too impractical for daily use. Very cramped, having to use an elevator for everything is annoying as hell. Looks kinda interesting, sounds are great. Wouldn't ever advertise this as a starter, too much trouble to use. I'm glad they are adding more "clutter" (or...
  2. Lorddarthvik

    3.21.1 Shadow Patch Notes

    Thanks, much appreciated!
  3. Lorddarthvik

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Sooo, why no one told me that logging out in ships now works consistently? After a long while I got back into the game and for the last couple of days I always logged in my bed on my 300i, and wheter landed next to an outpost or in a random spot in space, it worked every time! It's amazeballs...
  4. Lorddarthvik

    What do you use your ships for?

    300i custom: my main ship, general use, even for light space combat missions. C8 Pisces ambulance edition: my go to ship for day to day short term use. The perfect throwaway ship. Whether shopping around or doing bunkers, it's good enough. Shouldn't have gone for the medical bed version, it's of...
  5. Lorddarthvik

    My First Anniversary as Testie!!!

    Congrats! Here's to many more to come! Cheers! 🍻🍻🍻
  6. Lorddarthvik

    32gb vs 64gb RAM in Star Citizen?

    My idle load is 11.2gigs, so yes, SC should fit fine into 32gigs even with my rather fat idle state.
  7. Lorddarthvik

    Live server was almost crowded 11/1

    It's 4:30AM on the EU server and it's like full, the chat is flowing constantly, ppl are recruiting crews, talking kills and cool armor sets and so on. Haven't seen the game this lively since forever. This CitCon really blew it up I think! The expo free fly will be a shit show yet again with all...
  8. Lorddarthvik

    32gb vs 64gb RAM in Star Citizen?

    @RoosterRage Unless you want chrome open on another monitor. I recommend 128 at least. lol While SC really only uses 20ish gigs, realistically, you will have shit running in the bg. You will have less issues with more RAM. Dunno how fat your windows is running, how many things you got running...
  9. Lorddarthvik

    Creatives vs. Engineers

    If I remember correctly they said on the destruction panel that each and every broken off part from let's say a wall also has it's own ID and is shared across to make it the same for everyone involved. So it's not just that the server registers the destruction and lets it go, then a local...
  10. Lorddarthvik

    It has begun

    I grabbed the full 90 gigs, wanted a fresh start to reduce chance of bugs. Loaded in fine, bit of chugging while it loaded up the fresh stuff but runs nice and smooth otherwise. No one shot me, surprisingly. Set out in my 300i after some shopping, flew to the nearest planet, Pyro 2 I think...
  11. Lorddarthvik

    CitizenCon 2953 Discussion Thread

    I don't think CR cared one bit about Starfield. That was clearly never going to become competition. I think it's just a happy little coincidence that by the time everyone got bored of the lackluster disappointing gameplay of starfield, CitCon happened with the announcement and that prompted the...
  12. Lorddarthvik

    CitizenCon 2953 Discussion Thread

    Can we have a huge grill at the base, and some pizza ovens as well? Ya know, just to add some padding for the copius amounts of beer we will be having! 24 months? Oddly specific, Do you know something we don't?? Been browsing around YT and came upon this: "we know it's fake, there should...
  13. Lorddarthvik

    The future of CIG's funding...

    Yep their solution is rather specific in it's appeal. Maybe down the line they will create more simple/focused toolsets to make it easier for the kind of generic games like shooters, but I have a feeling CR's dream is that this engine with all it can do, and with SC as it's playable showcase...
  14. Lorddarthvik

    The future of CIG's funding...

    Ya know ppl have been raving about UE5 for ages.. probably because none of em never tried to actually do something with it. I think the selling point in favor of StarEngine is that they are trying to provide a fully working world simulation with the tools to harness it's potential, right out of...
  15. Lorddarthvik

    The future of CIG's funding...

    Yep, I presumed this has been the plan from the moment they had to basically rebuild their own engine from the ground up when Cryengines limitations were reached. So the StarEngine demo did make a lot more sense as an ad for the engine itself than a showpiece for us backers. WoW is still going...
  16. Lorddarthvik

    CitizenCon 2953 Discussion Thread

    There is another person apart from me who actually enjoyed that movie?! Wow! Ya know, it was fun and actually kinda lore accurate story wise, at least accurate to some book I read... I didn't really like the very toned down look of the inside of the wormhole, but as it seems like we won't be...
  17. Lorddarthvik

    CitizenCon 2953 Discussion Thread

    C'mon, the hairs were way more mind blowing than anything on day1! lol Especially that we are getting a bunch of em this year! Over the last couple of years I was very much down on SC hype and discouraged by the, let's be honest here, absolute total lack of any meaningful progress. My overall...
  18. Lorddarthvik

    CitizenCon 2953 Discussion Thread

    umm, I would agree if it was the citcons of past 4-5 years. But this one isn't. A lot of the stuff shown, like new hairs, sims and such, will be in by end of year because they are DONE. It's a first from CiG really, but finally somethings are done. Oh, and SQ42 is FEATURE COMPLETE!!!! HOLY...
  19. Lorddarthvik

    CitizenCon 2953 Discussion Thread

    Why no one started this thread already is beyond me, you all must be real drunk like proper Testies lol So , what do we all think after Day 1? Disappointed, excited, filled with new hopium? Personally, the "keynote" was a bit of a downer with the announcement of end of year 3.22 instead of...
  20. Lorddarthvik

    Zeus II

    Loved the shape, hate the 27% VAT... fuck this place and it's tax laws.... for the hundred something bucks it looks like a decent upgrade path filler. For the nearly 200, I personally will have to skip. Already have a spirit C1 for cargo/daily use, and I wouldn't be interested in any of the...
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