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  1. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 'Developers Panel' Youtube video now available

    This is the second of the two panels presented at BritizenCon. This video is posted on BoardGamer's Youtube channel, with the panel members being: Declan Troughton - Level Designer at Foundry 42 UK Robbie Elms - Level Designer at Foundry 42 UK Brian Chambers - Development Director at Foundry...
  2. Floating Cloud

    What made you join the worst org in the 'verse?

    Personally, I was pottering around Youtube and came across some content created by Test Squadron members. That was the trigger that made me look at this org specifically, and the irreverent, light hearted content on the forum sealed the deal. If I can ever remember whose Youtube content pushed...
  3. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon 'Content Creator Panel' Youtube video now available

    Both of the two BritizenCon panels were recorded by the organisers, and the 'Content Creator' one (with our very own Myre, SuperMacBrother, BoredGamer, and DoublarThackery) is now up on Youtube at BoredGamer's channel. Unfortunately there was an incredibly annoying sound glitch that occurred...
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