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  1. White Lando

    POLARIS first look!

    I think that vid supports my opinion more than yours. See how the dark grey saucer infront of the torps is one solid piece? You're saying a torpedo passes through that? See how after he moved through the grey saucer, then continued through the elevator, he had to move significantly to the...
  2. White Lando

    POLARIS first look!

    Well as someone who owns a Polaris and has looked at it first-hand, the dark plate in front of the the torpedoes doesn't open. I'm assuming that's where you thought the torpedoes go. They don't.
  3. White Lando

    POLARIS first look! That's a discussion on Spectrum with pictures that is probably less confusing than my post
  4. White Lando

    POLARIS first look!

    I thought so too but I believe the torpedo magazines (probably not the correct word but you get my meaning) seem to dispense the torps from the bottom. Then I assume they travel under the floor sideways to the loading tubes which then transport them to the firing tubes. If you lower the main...
  5. White Lando

    I am NEW I donno what to dooo!!

    Welcome! :o7:
  6. White Lando


    Welcome! :o7:
  7. White Lando

    Hello everyone, glad to be here.

    Welcome! :o7:
  8. White Lando


    Welcome! :o7:
  9. White Lando

    Happy To Be On Board

    Welcome, Snarky! :o7:
  10. White Lando


    Welcome! :o7:
  11. White Lando


    Looks like they're planning on 3x S3 Shields so that's pretty decent. 1 in the rear by the Coolers and Batteries And 2 more way up at the front. I kind of dig them being spread out like this. Would take crippling the power plant and the batteries to disable them all simultaneously. My...
  12. White Lando

    Well the Gold Standard Tali is in the 3.23.1 PTU.

    Nice pics! :o7: I was disappointed to see the Nursa couldn't fit in either cargo bay but then remembered there'll eventually be a medical bay module? It always seemed like a solid respawn location with all those turrets waiting to be manned. Plus the other module can stay torpedoes to deal...
  13. White Lando

    Polaris at Invictus Pictures (even some from the inside)

    I'm also excited to see the Perseus Hopefully everything goes to plan and a decent amount of the design work they put into the Polaris transfers to the Perseus, Arrastra and Galaxy
  14. White Lando

    Polaris at Invictus Pictures (even some from the inside)

    It's a Capital with Capital size Shield Generator, Power Plant, Cooler and Radar. Large size Quantum Drive. Allegedly the Polaris Shield will be around 775,000 hp. Also the ship from stem to stern measures around 166 meters now. So she got a little bigger but not too much.
  15. White Lando

    Polaris at Invictus Pictures (even some from the inside)

    Thought I'd share some screen shots from the RSI showroom at the Invictus event incase some people weren't able to attend in person. I would highly recommend making the trip if your computer is up to it. The Polaris is an impressive sight and these pictures do not do her justice. This is...
  16. White Lando

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    Kind of want a Nursa. Based on the talk it looks like all tier beds will be able to respawn going forward. Being able to add a respawn location to any ship that can hold an Ursa is pretty decent.
  17. White Lando

    The grumpy old vet is back!

    Welcome back! :o7:
  18. White Lando


    Welcome! :o7:
  19. White Lando

    Murai pulse out now!

    It fits in the Stalker so Titan for sure :like: ETA: I rode it in and got off (didn'teven touch the ceiling!). Exited the ramp then ran around to the front canopy entrance. :o7:
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