The elevator blocked the torpedo launcher - Star Citizen Spectrum
The elevator blocked the torpedo launcher

That's a discussion on Spectrum with pictures that is probably less confusing than my post
Hard telling what actually happens. It looks like tube 3, which is on one side of the elevator, and runs past the torp launch control runs through the elevator shaft in the videos I've watched.I thought so too but I believe the torpedo magazines (probably not the correct word but you get my meaning) seem to dispense the torps from the bottom. Then I assume they travel under the floor sideways to the loading tubes which then transport them to the firing tubes.
If you lower the main elevator then look at the ship from the front, the ports the torpedos exit are well off to the side of the elevator. Furthermore, the torpedoes roll inwards into the firing tubes from the loading tubes which would mean they're even further into the outer wall of the ship.
I haven't been able to watch the torpedo magazines when they're operating, however. Have you?
Well as someone who owns a Polaris and has looked at it first-hand, the dark plate in front of the the torpedoes doesn't open.Hard telling what actually happens. It looks like tube 3, which is on one side of the elevator, and runs past the torp launch control runs through the elevator shaft in the videos I've watched.
To be fair, I can't get the ptu to load in, and I don't own a Polaris, so I haven't seen it myself, but that is what it appears to do.
I didn’t see the pool table. Did they remove it?
This is a deal breaker. Thankfully the Starlancer has one so I'm good. 600i (pre rework) and Carrack have the table too, I was thinking it could be in a Pool Players ship-pack but none in the Polaris dents that somewhat...Yeah its gone. Didn't make the cut, unfortunately.
I just found this. Apparently they do.Well as someone who owns a Polaris and has looked at it first-hand, the dark plate in front of the the torpedoes doesn't open.
I'm assuming that's where you thought the torpedoes go. They don't.
II don't have a Polaris. I don't want a Polaris. I don't care enough to argue about it.I think that vid supports my opinion more than yours.
See how the dark grey saucer infront of the torps is one solid piece? You're saying a torpedo passes through that?
See how after he moved through the grey saucer, then continued through the elevator, he had to move significantly to the right to get back inline with the launching tubes? Do you see how that launching tube is open along its right side? The torpedo rolls into the launch tube from that opening.
The torp magazines don't line up with the launchers when he's traveling fore or when he's returning after completely exiting the ship.
It is a cool vid and thanks for posting it. There's definitely some hand wavium torp teleportation going on but I don't think it's a torp traveling through an elevator shaft.
I'm assuming the magazines were placed like they were to allow easier loading. They're not inline with the loading or launching tubes so there's no reason they'd need to travel directly forward when exiting the magazines.
And FILL it with AURORAS!Oo we need to discord it up and fully man one of these puppies
The Superior tactics of this Fine organization will finally be put to the TEST (heh). JuniorNow that PDC cannons target ships, running a bay full of furies to distract the point defense so your torpedoes can get through is going to be a viable strategy.
IF they end up making multiple types of S10 torps, I'd be hoping that 1 of those would be an EMP torp, which could be fired as a 1st strike weapon, followed up by a high explosive torp shortly behind it. The 1st knocks out the shields & systems, the 2nd takes advantage of the opening to either finish off the target or critically cripple the target if it survives.After today's IAE video, I'm not sure the Polaris, my Retaliator or my Eclipse have any real use in the current plans for how th egame is supposed to work. This is especially true of the Polaris since a capital ship isn't, by definition, a support ship.
Instead of torpedoes being first strike weapons (like they have always been throughout history), they are, in the grand vision, a coup de grace weapon only. I don't get it.