POLARIS first look!

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I thought so too but I believe the torpedo magazines (probably not the correct word but you get my meaning) seem to dispense the torps from the bottom. Then I assume they travel under the floor sideways to the loading tubes which then transport them to the firing tubes.

If you lower the main elevator then look at the ship from the front, the ports the torpedos exit are well off to the side of the elevator. Furthermore, the torpedoes roll inwards into the firing tubes from the loading tubes which would mean they're even further into the outer wall of the ship.

I haven't been able to watch the torpedo magazines when they're operating, however. Have you?
Hard telling what actually happens. It looks like tube 3, which is on one side of the elevator, and runs past the torp launch control runs through the elevator shaft in the videos I've watched.
To be fair, I can't get the ptu to load in, and I don't own a Polaris, so I haven't seen it myself, but that is what it appears to do.

White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
Hard telling what actually happens. It looks like tube 3, which is on one side of the elevator, and runs past the torp launch control runs through the elevator shaft in the videos I've watched.
To be fair, I can't get the ptu to load in, and I don't own a Polaris, so I haven't seen it myself, but that is what it appears to do.
Well as someone who owns a Polaris and has looked at it first-hand, the dark plate in front of the the torpedoes doesn't open.

I'm assuming that's where you thought the torpedoes go. They don't.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I didn’t see the pool table. Did they remove it?
Yeah its gone. Didn't make the cut, unfortunately.
This is a deal breaker. Thankfully the Starlancer has one so I'm good. 600i (pre rework) and Carrack have the table too, I was thinking it could be in a Pool Players ship-pack but none in the Polaris dents that somewhat...
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well as someone who owns a Polaris and has looked at it first-hand, the dark plate in front of the the torpedoes doesn't open.

I'm assuming that's where you thought the torpedoes go. They don't.
I just found this. Apparently they do.
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White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
I think that vid supports my opinion more than yours.

See how the dark grey saucer infront of the torps is one solid piece? You're saying a torpedo passes through that?

See how after he moved through the grey saucer, then continued through the elevator, he had to move significantly to the right to get back inline with the launching tubes? Do you see how that launching tube is open along its right side? The torpedo rolls into the launch tube from that opening.

The torp magazines don't line up with the launchers when he's traveling fore or when he's returning after completely exiting the ship.

It is a cool vid and thanks for posting it. There's definitely some hand wavium torp teleportation going on but I don't think it's a torp traveling through an elevator shaft.

I'm assuming the magazines were placed like they were to allow easier loading. They're not inline with the loading or launching tubes so there's no reason they'd need to travel directly forward when exiting the magazines.
  • o7
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So, can we pick just one of the three Polaris threads for discussion? I have an objection or three to raise.

First, I want to say how grateful I am they put the holoviewer back. I’m so happy about that I don’t want to make any complaints, but of course I have to. So first off. . .

Changes from the original concept design include removal of a dozen bunks and moving cargo from 200 to something like 570? I think this was a terrible move. This is not a freighter, and if you use it like one you’re a fool. This ship does not need so much cargo space. Now given the addition of a second cargo loading door and drive through capability, I can see ground operations with this. You might park three Ballista and a couple Nursa in here, but there’s nowhere for their personnel to sleep.

So my biggest gripe is, we need those original 27 bunks back. This ship is greatly limited by its inability to carry the 12 marines we were originally told it would carry.

Likewise I will complain the wasted space with all the hallways is nice, but it was a very poor choice to put a bathroom for every pair of people. Em. . .WTF is that all about? Is this a military vessel or a cruise ship? WTF were you thinking, CIG? This is a truly crazy thing to fuck up.

I will no doubt complain about a lot of other wasted space. The hallways are a tragedy. So much space wasted—reminds of the 600i. Some people never learn.

. . .but it is a beautiful ship.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I think that vid supports my opinion more than yours.

See how the dark grey saucer infront of the torps is one solid piece? You're saying a torpedo passes through that?

See how after he moved through the grey saucer, then continued through the elevator, he had to move significantly to the right to get back inline with the launching tubes? Do you see how that launching tube is open along its right side? The torpedo rolls into the launch tube from that opening.

The torp magazines don't line up with the launchers when he's traveling fore or when he's returning after completely exiting the ship.

It is a cool vid and thanks for posting it. There's definitely some hand wavium torp teleportation going on but I don't think it's a torp traveling through an elevator shaft.

I'm assuming the magazines were placed like they were to allow easier loading. They're not inline with the loading or launching tubes so there's no reason they'd need to travel directly forward when exiting the magazines.
II don't have a Polaris. I don't want a Polaris. I don't care enough to argue about it.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Now that it has been pointed out, Chris is going to send a third of the dev team down the "Torpedo tube refactoring" rabbit hole and we won't see them again for two years. At least the BMM will make for a good retirement present...For my grandson's daughter.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
View: https://youtu.be/AdtdVoi_53Q?si=hO_VYP6UJI8f1_7c

Decent review, mostly concerned with lighting. Notes very quickly my objection about lack of bunks and the solution to this —add shared space bunks like on the Idris.

Mentions the chin turret S6 guns are bespoke and more powerful than other S6 guns. Weird since there are no other S6 guns. I object to all bespoke weapons as violations of the general principle that we fit out ships to our liking. Erkul and Ship Performance Viewer no longer have the Polaris available so I don’t see a handy way to get real info on these weapons.
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Grand Admiral
May 20, 2020
RSI Handle
With the advent of now having to look at the GROUND to call the elevator and open the ramps, I'm hoping Mobiglas-controlled ship exteriors are coming sooner rather than later. After all, we have keyfobs for our cars in the 21st Century, I can't imagine why we wouldn't have "remotes" for our ships in the 2900's!


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Now that PDC cannons target ships, running a bay full of furies to distract the point defense so your torpedoes can get through is going to be a viable strategy.
The Superior tactics of this Fine organization will finally be put to the TEST (heh). Junior fodder members will fly Auroras. Our AURORAS will blot out the SKY PDCs!!


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
After watching a number of vids on the current release version of the Polaris, I'd suggest 2 things for the devs at CIG. 1st & most importantly, I'd change up that torpedo launching terminal's set up, by giving the person launching them their own seat for them to be stabilized in during combat, instead of potentially being knocked or thrown around due to the force effects that CIG has added & intends to enhance over time. 2nd, while the windows of the bridge are awesome, I'd love for them to be able to add in metal plate shielding similar to what was planned for the Carrack, to give the bridge a sort of battle bridge format during heavy close combat. That's actually 1 of the things I love about the 890J, is its hidden battle bridge.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
After today's IAE video, I'm not sure the Polaris, my Retaliator or my Eclipse have any real use in the current plans for how th egame is supposed to work. This is especially true of the Polaris since a capital ship isn't, by definition, a support ship.

Instead of torpedoes being first strike weapons (like they have always been throughout history), they are, in the grand vision, a coup de grace weapon only. I don't get it.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
After today's IAE video, I'm not sure the Polaris, my Retaliator or my Eclipse have any real use in the current plans for how th egame is supposed to work. This is especially true of the Polaris since a capital ship isn't, by definition, a support ship.

Instead of torpedoes being first strike weapons (like they have always been throughout history), they are, in the grand vision, a coup de grace weapon only. I don't get it.
IF they end up making multiple types of S10 torps, I'd be hoping that 1 of those would be an EMP torp, which could be fired as a 1st strike weapon, followed up by a high explosive torp shortly behind it. The 1st knocks out the shields & systems, the 2nd takes advantage of the opening to either finish off the target or critically cripple the target if it survives.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
View the IAE videos they have been putting out. They have been walking back/clarifying a little of the PvP and group focus they put on a CitizenCon, but they also have been talking about how capitol ships are best used with other ships, not as ships out by themselves. From what they said, you will need to use tactics to scan a target, identify the shield emitters under the hull, soften the shield face covering a particular shield emitters, clear the turrets and PDS, destroy the shield emitters, then other board or destroy the thrusters so they can’t roll/pitch/yaw to put a fresh shield face against your fire so you can destroy it…all,while the other crew is making repairs.

The vision they have is quite different from how it is today. If they can pull it off is another thing
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