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  1. White Lando

    Should Star Citizen consider NFT's for raising funds?

    Does said 10 acres come with the title of Lord or Lady? Right now I can buy a few sq ft in Scotland to achieve my goal of superiority.
  2. White Lando

    Should Star Citizen consider NFT's for raising funds?

    It's an interesting issue. Having actual ownership of something you pay for doesn't sound that bad to me on its face.
  3. White Lando


  4. White Lando

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    I only do that to people I don't respect. Like my wife. :like: 🍻
  5. White Lando

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    I mean, it's kind of yellow... @Montoya Does it count? 👇
  6. White Lando

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    Correct. "Ranking" was a poor choice of words on my part.
  7. White Lando

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    What's the verdict on the Morozov Terracotta? Is it yellow enough to qualify for TEST garb?
  8. White Lando

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    I did a character reset yesterday (My Ares Inferno stopped spawning its gatling) I retained all of my aUEC, all the ship components I had accumulated (including missiles), every item I had purchased (except I think ammo for personal weapons). All of the items were transferred to the location I...
  9. White Lando


    Welcome! 🍻 :o7:
  10. White Lando

    Best Weapon for Redeemer Turrets?

    Have you upgraded any of the components? Do the power plants need to be upgraded? Any issues with the stock coolers? I always feel like I waste a bunch of AUEC. Trying to minimize that so I can upgrade my other ships.
  11. White Lando

    Best Weapon for Redeemer Turrets?

    If I'm reading it right, they both have the same number of shots (26). I'm new to using erkul so might be looking at the wrong thing.
  12. White Lando

    Best Weapon for Redeemer Turrets?

    I know stuff gets changed a lot (buffed/nerfed) but I'm wondering what everyone's favorite load out for the Redeemer is as of patch 3.15.1 Was leaning towards trying laser cannons first. Any reason to pay more for M7As over the Omniskys? They look identical per erkul. I'm not sure why my...
  13. White Lando

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    I think it will be the full set based on them giving the full set in November. I am a glass half full kind of guy, though. :like:
  14. White Lando

    Ship naming - "my name is..."

    Most of them just kept driving. No one wants to stop to talk about losing to this:
  15. White Lando

    Ship naming - "my name is..."

    I proved the same with a 1990 LeSabre a few times. I called it "Mom's Car" because it was my mom's car.
  16. White Lando

    McHale's Navy after 2021 IAE

    I can dig it :like: :drunk:
  17. White Lando

    Warthog (Right Stick) +T16000m (Left Stick) HOSAS TARGET Profile

    I use Joy to Key but not sure if it's necessary anymore. I use dual T16000, not sure if that matters. These two videos got me setup (one of them is just showing the new location of the controls folder for SC) Joy to Key bindings setup Update showing new folder location
  18. White Lando

    600i getting a gold standard rework : Video review

    I'm excited to see what they come up with. Love the 400i interior. Could be epic at 600i scale.
  19. White Lando

    My Fleet: OK Guys, I think I'm finally satisfied.

    Here's mine (big thanks to @vahadar and @SpudNyk!) I enjoy combat (mostly PVE focused) but wanted the higher end money makers for a change of pace option. MSR adds a lot of versatility with cargo hauling and info running when it comes online. The BMM is a boss so it doesn't really need a...
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