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  1. Daiten Baou

    Confession time!

    You get dizzy, the world spins, and if you go pretty far you pass out. Like meeting a woman... (if you're a male...)
  2. Daiten Baou

    Confession time!

    I don't like chocolate (or sweets in general). I love buttered brussels sprouts and alfalfa... IE: I have unusual tastes in food....
  3. Daiten Baou

    What up.

    Mechwarrior here.... Standing by.
  4. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

    .....I thought we all did... Except... we'll never be cured... we will always need the Dragonblood....
  5. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

    Minecraft again!
  6. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

    Minecraft again! I sing this one every once in a while at work... and get stared at every damn time.
  7. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

  8. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

    EVE Online again... Soundcloud Tried code to embed.... didn't work.
  9. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

    Mechwarrior Online... One of my favs!
  10. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

    Another Eve Online Heads up for those with kids: Language alert!
  11. Daiten Baou

    Daiten's Youtube Game Music Dump

    I keep finding awesome music videos for games! So I'll post what I find particularly awesome. For Eve Online Note... TEST EVE is not known for tactical awesomeness... rather the opposite. They ARE known for having an absolute blast of a time. Had I not joined the corp I did... I would have...
  12. Daiten Baou

    The soapy Voxbox

    You were drinking. Possibly while on the throne with the phone in hand and the website up on it.
  13. Daiten Baou

    TEST Hawken Meetup | 25.1.2014 | 19:00 GMT | SAT

    Amen.... And I'm gonna try and find a place to put this on a damn shirt.
  14. Daiten Baou


    Seung! Damnit! The AI was supposed to go into Skippy's Aurora. NOT HIM!
  15. Daiten Baou

    Magnumag Introduction!

    ....300+ Testies.... o_O Terrifying...
  16. Daiten Baou

    Test Squadron Super Spectacular Saturdays

    ...I'm gonna need more bullets... Borderlands 2 Any free games Any Warhammer 40k I've most mmos (except WoW... because I gave Blizz the one-fingered salute) Mass Effect 3 ....Ask away if you want me in on a game... odds are I have it if it was major at all.
  17. Daiten Baou

    Is anyone going to fly the Mustang, or will the Aurora be the -official- symbolic ship of TEST?

    Dawn of War (I and II) and Space Marine player here.
  18. Daiten Baou

    We need to find a Bengal!

    Correction... Bengal is for the TEST flotilla, our mobile Aurora Flood base. The Auroras themselves can only go so far on their own. (Fuel restrictions.)
  19. Daiten Baou

    New but ready for testing

    ....EXCUSE ME!?
  20. Daiten Baou

    TEST Diaspora Meetup! 11.1.2014 | 20:00 EST | SAT

    Roger that... I might be in for a couple hours. First need the game.
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