Search results

  1. MammonLord

    P-52/P-72 Krugers advices?

    Unfortunately the P-52 was never sold standalone with LTI, but the P-72 was. It loses the main central gun in exchange for two extra wing guns. Might be worth considering.
  2. MammonLord

    Security GRASP FPS training, a new focus.

    I didn't know there was a scheduled training because I never learned how to read, pay attention, or know anything. Ahead of the upcoming game mode I'd love to brush up my old Battlefield skills.
  3. MammonLord

    Roadmap Roundup - January 24th, 2020 - Highlights

    Has anyone else noticed how attractive CosmicTrader is?
  4. MammonLord

    Other Divisions of TEST Squadron

    How do I join the Ministry of Truth? That seems like the place for a consummate liar like myself.
  5. MammonLord

    Found what I needed. Cheers

    I have a $5 Terrapin to Star Runner upgrade in my buy-back list. Let me know if you still want it.
  6. MammonLord

    No longer for sale!! "LTI ARES SALE!!"

    Well now I feel dumb. Thank you for doing this; just wish I'd seen it sooner. 😁
  7. MammonLord

    WTB Scythe

    I don't think you should get one from eBay, but just to manage expectations:
  8. MammonLord

    Old OC buy backs for sale.

    VAT sucks. Those are still good deals though. Thanks for making your buybacks available!
  9. MammonLord

    Parasite helmet giving away - gone

    I don't like it at all lol
  10. MammonLord

    Defender Upgrades?

    Anyone have a spare Defender upgrade from something? I was going to get one with store credit but they raised the price to $220 and I don't think it's worth that much. A cheap CCU would be great, if possible.
  11. MammonLord


    I would also like to buy one of these if you have two! :)
  12. MammonLord

    WTB Taurus - Hoplite CCU

    I believe that would be a $0 ship upgrade, which are not tradable and are being phased out of existence by CIG. Do you have another ship costing less than the Hoplite? If so you could upgrade from that instead.
  13. MammonLord

    Buybacks available!

    Stoutman is a rad dude. 👍
  14. MammonLord

    [Video] - Roadmap update includes 3.9

    Lazy bum reporting in.
  15. MammonLord

    [WTS] LTI Vanguard warden 200usd (Melt value is 245usd)

    Everything went smoothly again. Invidia_x4 is rad!
  16. MammonLord

    [WTS] LTI Vanguard warden 200usd (Melt value is 245usd)

    I'd sure like one of those. I'll send you a thing.
  17. MammonLord

    Hangar Queens and Party Favors, WTS!

    Everything went perfectly. Thank you! O7
  18. MammonLord

    Hangar Queens and Party Favors, WTS!

    Phantom is a certified rad dude.
  19. MammonLord

    [WTS] some LTI ships for cheaper than meltvalue.

    Sale went very smoothly. Thank you!
  20. MammonLord

    [WTT] Glorious Aurora for Hull-C/Vulture CCUs

    I want that Vulture CCU too. Since the DUR went up in price don't forget you can melt it then buy it back at the new lower price.
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