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  1. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  2. Rainshine

    LH-86 Combustion Handgun

    Just spawn in, you'll see it on your table when you loggin to the PU.
  3. Rainshine

    LH-86 Combustion Handgun

    It certainly does more damage. However, if I could go back I would probably wait until weapon shopping is in. There might be more options, for one, but the pricing will maybe be changed, considering the current price for weapons is 3k-10k UEC. Still, if you want one now and have the extra UEC...
  4. Rainshine

    Howdy Yall

    Welcome mate. These here are good people. Have fun!
  5. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  6. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  7. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  8. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  9. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  10. Rainshine

    Save money on The Division

    I wasn't a big fan. I enjoy third person shooter and shooters with RPG elements, but this felt like an RPG with shooter elements. Overall, I felt like it was kinda a tactical-shooter version of Defiance, rather than the hack-and-slash style. Stats are pretty heavy in terms of effectiveness, a...
  11. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  12. Rainshine

    PTU 2.1G is live, patch notes within

    There'll be a new patch before you get the chance...and another 15 gigs AWAIT!
  13. Rainshine

    Sorry for a delayed SOTS, been busy with holiday stuff!

    You're fired. ... Dibs on his office!
  14. Rainshine

    PTU open to all players

    The Sabre is great, cannot wait for it to be flyable! Threw some Tarantulas on her, she's a beast. Unfortunately, the latest patch made the universe unplayable for tons of users. I logged in and got dragged down to under 5 fps. Something is very wrong! Hope it gets fixed UBER quick.
  15. Rainshine

    [Theorycraft] Ranks and "awards"

    Aught to actually have a delineation between enlisted and officers. Not everyone wants the burden of command. One officer per ship, unless it's a big one and you need multiple teams working together (Javelin/Idris), then 1 Captain, 2-3 Lts, enlisted under them.
  16. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  17. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  18. Rainshine

    Baby Boy

    Left the computer for something as trivial as childbirth!?! Hah, casual.
  19. Rainshine

    December 2015 giveaway! A cool TEST Desk Mat!

    Hey sexy momma, let's get busy and freaky, in that order!
  20. Rainshine

    An honest review of Fallout 4 [Spoilers]

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