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  1. Timarien

    Your Ships. The Why and The Future Purchases.

    Carrack Lti - I melted allmost everything I had before this point into this ship. I could help myself... Cutlass Blue Anniversary Package - I need some sort of single man ship for in the PU Gladius - My dedicated escort/combat ship. I had an Herald, Redeemer and Xi'An scout before and I am sad...
  2. Timarien

    AC crashes, not the asteroid or ramming kind...

    You will get such an error from time to time. Everyone has that issue, the game is not done yet so it's not entirely stable. If it gets you very time you might need to delete your Star Citizen user folder... That fixes most issues.
  3. Timarien

    Anniversary Sale: How many wallet casualties?

    I respect my entire fleet this week. Went from: 315P package Freelancer Dur Redeemer LTI Herald LTI Mustang Omega Package To: Carrack LTI Cutlass Blue Anniversary Package Aurora Gladius Mustang Omega Package I had an M50 and a Xi'An scour for a day or two but the Carrack just blew me away so...
  4. Timarien

    AC Flight School | Week 40 |

    I think I'm a decent-ish pilot/dogfighter. I would love to do some yousting with you and see if we could learn something from each other!
  5. Timarien

    Carrack Count

    Need is a big word but I know what you mean xD. You will allways be welcome on mine that's what I got it for xD.
  6. Timarien

    Carrack Count

    I see what you did there xD It's most definetly going to be my flagship.. I really hope the Cutlass and Gladius won't suck in dogfighting since these are the only other ships I have left. Next to my Missile Aurora that is. And yes the aurora is my missle.
  7. Timarien

    Thank you Test Squadron!

    It would be an honor sir! xD
  8. Timarien

    Thank you Test Squadron!

    All the guys here are awesome indeed! I love the twitch community we are building up!
  9. Timarien

    Carrack Count

    I think it will have cargo space but it is not quite up to date.. It has detachable pods. And also in the minigame you can pick up stuff while exploring so it is logical to assume that it has cargospace!
  10. Timarien

    [WTS] AMD Mustang Omega code

    Is it still available?
  11. Timarien

    [Vent Thread] Don't you hate it when...

    I hate it when when cool ships come live and my wallet is emtier than the saharrah dessert
  12. Timarien

    Test Truckers

    Ask Markartian he has a Banu Merchantman and he needs crew as ar as I know!!
  13. Timarien


    Welcome to Test mate! Have a good scotch on me. And you will allways be welcome on my ships as weapon expert!
  14. Timarien

    I just realised I never said hello...

    Welcome to Test mate!! Good luck with all the deadly stuff over there!!
  15. Timarien

    How do I Aurora?

    Well we could start a brewery together. I get the rare ingredents from expploration and the "gratefullness" of random travelers that I "liberated".
  16. Timarien

    Hello, Test!

    Welcome to Test!!! I will fly an Aurora into our enemies in your name!!
  17. Timarien

    Galath Application

    Welcome to Test Sqaudron Best Squardon!
  18. Timarien

    Hi! I'm Zalifer!

    Awesome man, more european guys is very good for this org! I myself live in the netherlands so poeple in the same timezones are very much apreciated. You are any time welcome in my Cutlass blue for some "SAR" harharrrr!
  19. Timarien

    Looking to join Test

    Welcome IPA guy!! You and your tasty beverages will be welcome on my Carrack!! And in Test. I will sacrifice an Aurora for you specially snce I now finally own one!
  20. Timarien

    Carrack Count

    I melted my Freelancer Dur, M50 and Xi'An Scout to get one of those badboys. Kiltedfrog allready applied as XO so we will be the best defended Carrack in the Verse!!
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