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  1. CRISS9000

    This is what PEAK GAMING looks like.

    This is what PEAK GAMING looks like! Titanfall 2 on drugs
  2. CRISS9000

    New Anthem of Star Citizen

    gave me a chuckle.
  3. CRISS9000

    Do not attempt to remove the Corsair's quantum drive with the tractor beam.

    The Wall Ate My Corsair's Quantum Drive - Star Citizen - Issue Council
  4. CRISS9000

    The 5 Star's Shadow Patch Notes for 3.19

    our beloved Auroras are getting some love among other things.
  5. CRISS9000

    so I had an idea for the carrack.

    as a carrack owner, I, like many others, love the ship, and find its flaws very infuriating. so I came up with a redesign of the internal layout. keep in mind that this is just the first iteration - it is very crude and not well thought out at all. and I may or may not present this to the devs...
  6. CRISS9000

    New food item spotted in the hab pod I spawned in

    reckon it'll be implemented properly as a food item in about 10 years time. (/s)
  7. CRISS9000

    Working workaround for the long loading and time-out by u/Velioss

    View: I just tried it and managed to get past the time-out in loading after several days of being stuck at 20,391 entities loaded. this workaround is legit.
  8. CRISS9000

    Character Repair is gone?

    did I miss something? it was there just a week ago.
  9. CRISS9000

    Noobifier wants the game to be commercially released, and my thoughts on the matter.

    I'd be fine with half the things on the list, especially the items highlighted at 10:37, but I would also add "Redesigning ships that are not up to the current gold standard". (Avenger, Constellation, Carrack and MSR just to name a few). Maybe if that poll about "release or development" was...
  10. CRISS9000

    When the mission to save the hijacked 890 goes very very wrong... please forgive my cringe-level editing skills, this is the first video i've edited in years.
  11. CRISS9000

    So fishing is now a thing

  12. CRISS9000

    "Morality ends where convenience begins" - Asmongold 2022

    I think this is AsmonBased's best quote yet.
  13. CRISS9000

    LawlessBaron analyzes the little details in the IAE 2952 trailer

    - New Drake Ship mentioned in datamines but not officially announced yet - Medical? Pisces - Possibly Carrack BIS skin that seems very edgelord-like and I might have missed a thing or two. thoughts? Also: RIP Jax McCleary. The writers have wronged him, he deserves some time off.
  14. CRISS9000

    Most interesting locations?

    So I'm looking for the most interesting places and activities in Star Citizen from what is currently in the game. I've done plenty of bunker missions and I feel I mostly got everything that I was interested in out of those. I'm now looking for something that stands out as particularly worth...
  15. CRISS9000

    Empyrion Galactic Survival - Indi, SciFi, Survival, DIY Spaceships

    View: View: View: View: is anyone interested? I've been pondering about this game for the last couple days...
  16. CRISS9000

    Elite: Dangerous anyone?

    been playing E:D a recently and was wondering if anyone's interested. the recent addition of legs has been a mixed bag, but the game has not lost its charm. IGN: criss9000
  17. CRISS9000

    Looking for that one old RSI 80/20 poll

    Does anyone remember that old poll on the RSI website where 80% voted in favor of extending development time indefinitely and only 20% in favor of commercial release ASAP? I can't find it, for whatever reason, and am hoping it was not deleted. Can anyone find it and post a link please?
  18. CRISS9000


    TEST Squadron, I find your lack of cats disturbing...
  19. CRISS9000

    The Like And Get Likes Thread

    who needs a topic anyway? topics are for nerds.
  20. CRISS9000

    I was told to farm likes here

    Hi, I'm that spy everyone wondered why he's not kicked yet. Good news, everyone: I've decided to formally apply to TEST Squad. Looking forward to more wrecks and keks.
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